You Owe It To Yourself to 3D Print the Tongue Brush

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Image for article titled You Owe It To Yourself to 3D Print the Tongue Brush
Screenshot: Joshua MacEachern

Acid rain. International terrorism. Freeway killers. Now, more than ever, it is important to remember the true impacts of technology. It is important to realize that you, dear reader, have the power to 3D print your own tongue brush.

Originally inspired by the work of Simone Giertz, Queen of Shitty Robots, this project uses a 3D printed handle—3D model available here—and a rubber tongue purchased online.


“The tongue is a ‘simulation [sic] tongue’ I bought on Wish, and it’s disturbingly flexible,” wrote creator Joshua MacEachern. [Ed. note: I think he meant “stimulation,” also please don’t search for it on Wish.] [Ed. note 2: After ignoring my own advice, it turns out it actually is “simulation tongue,” which is disturbing for other reasons.]


MacEachern originally posted an image of his tongue brush on Reddit but did not include a printable STL file so others could not immediately revel in the glory of the brush. He finally relented after countless fans asked for access to the technology. And now it’s here.

The build is pretty simple: Just print out the handle and glue the tongue into the hole at the end. The results, as you can see, speak - mlem? - for themselves.
