Saturday, January 20, 2018

The New Book “12 CIO Personas” Quote Collection IV

The book “12 CIO Personas: The Digital CIO’s Situational Leadership Practices” is the extensive brainstorming and logical content expansion of my book “CIO Master: Unleash the Digital Potential of IT,” to reimagine and reinvent CIO leadership via practicing multitudes of digital influence.
69 CIOs need to be IT evangelists, learn to sell and speak business, but it’s a two-way street.

70 It is strategic imperative to re-invent IT reputation from an isolated support function to a business growth catalyzer via communication, collaboration, and innovation.

71 Having healthy debating enforces critical thinking principles - increased perspective, less prejudgment, and looking at things from different angles.

72 CIOs need to leverage different conversations tyles to construct the collaborative vision and deliver high performance IT result.

73 The great communication is not to create more gaps but to bridge differences and encourage creativity.

74 Intrapreneur leaders present solid leadership attributes such as “full open communication,” “creativity,” “confidence,” “resourcefulness,” “decisiveness,” “ownership,” “digital readiness,” “self-adaptation,” and “resilience.”

75 The payoff of IT digital transformation is not just for the quick win, but to build the long-term business competency.

76 The creation of corporate entrepreneurship is to cultivate the culture of innovation and build business competencies.

77 Innovation is an important business capability to catalyze the business’s long-term prosperity.

78 Practicing entrepreneurship in IT starts with the outlier leadership and builds an innovative culture - the collective attitude to experiment better ways to do things.

79 It’s not enough for IT to only focus on the bottom line “keep the lights on,” it has to contribute more to business growth.

80 Running IT as a business is about focusing on innovation, growth, and tangible performance result.

81 IT leaders have to practice transformational leadership, situational leadership, and innovative leadership all the way in order to lead digital transformation seamlessly.

82 Assessing organizational personality, managing company performance and maximizing business potential are all important digital management scenarios to build the high-mature digital organization.

83 Performance metrics are number in context, results related to the strategic goals of the business.

84 Hard business assets keep the organization lights on, and soft assets of the organization enable the business to unlock its potential.

85 Take multi-phased approaches to building a more transparent IT for achieving people-centricity.

86 Applying the right procedures and policies to asset management allows IT to create a realistic budget with few surprises, and keep best practices to adapt to “continuous changes.”

87 Outside-in IT performance perspectives and outcome-based measurement practices are important to improve IT maturity and focus on the performance of the entire organization.

88 CIOs have to reimagine IT on how to unleash the full potential of running a digital organization via management innovation with some necessary “DE” effort.

89 Measure the CIO’s success on value creation, and you’ll get the kind of performance you need out of IT.


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