Saturday, August 3, 2019

What’s the Logical Problem-solving Scenario to Solve Problems Creatively?

It is important to get out of the "fear" that blocks creative genius inside us, learn how to liberate imagination and come up with a new approach to problem-solving. 

Creative problem-solving is about how to think unconventionally or from a new perspective for either defining or solving old or emergent problems. There is always a well-known solution to every human problem - neat, plausible, and wrong. Problem-solving is both art and science. It is about seeing a problem, discovering the root cause, and actually finding a solution to that problem, not just the band-aid approach to fixing the symptom. Sometimes lack of creativity has become the problem. What’s the logical problem-solving scenario to solve problems creatively?.

Defined the problem: An essential aspect of creativity is the ability to challenge assumptions, conclusions, and beliefs. It's worthwhile considering why things are the way they are for, in doing so, you are challenging automatic assumptions that something needs fixing. Brainstorm helps problem identification and avoids “worrying about the wrong thing” symptom. To framing the right problem, you need to step back or get out of the box ,continue to ask yourself and others: What is the real problem, why is that a problem, in order to look at the problem from a different angle or understand the issues holistically via multi-disciplinary lenses. Many of today’s business problems are complex, to understand the “scope” of the problem, it’s important to leverage Systems Thinking for seeing a larger system with interactive pieces and “conflict” goals; understand the interdependent components, provide insight into the emergent properties, and gain an accurate understanding of the overall situation. When you are able to frame the right problem, you already did half the job of solving it.

Be open-minded to ensure ideas were heard, not slapped down: Often problem-solving ineffectiveness are caused by “We always do things like that” mentality, even circumstance has already changed a long time ago. Everything has always started with an idea, "there are no bad ideas" is often used as a mantra to encourage a flow of ideas, The idea sourcing scenario can improve idea generation, decontaminating conventional thinking, and harness interaction, It’s critical to be open-minded and embrace fresh ideas and figure out alternative solutions. For those who are trying to solve problems, they may find the problems evolving as they try different solutions. Great problem-solvers demonstrate the courage to leave inside box thoughts and standards to seek additional resources, update knowledge, and embrace alternative solutions. They know that innovation can occur anywhere, come through the back doors and side windows, or have perhaps been hiding in the basement. Usually, ideas are built on other ideas and that idea combination is a powerful technique, then having a big amount of ideas is a good thing as long as you can try and get the best attributes of the ones you like and combine them into one solid solution.

A wave pattern of expanding and consolidating ideas to come up with a cohesive solution: Patterns are often defined as solutions to problems in a context. Patterns play a significant role in problem-solving at different domains such as science, math, art, and virtually every creative activity humans engage in. In fact, pattern thinking enables you to capture profound insight into complex problems in order to solve them in a creative way. Pattern thinking is also a type of creative thinking; to be creative, you need to continue discovering new patterns. It requires you to keep your eyes open and keep your mind off the box in order to break down the conventional box and actively seek out new ideas or new patterns wherever you can discover them. There is more flow of creative ideas, the more is happening, the pie gets bigger. The more patterns you discover, the more alternative solutions could emerge. And equally important, it’s about validating and selecting the cohesive solution to solve the problem creatively.

Create a sense of urgency: In today's dynamic digital new normal, high responsiveness and change becomes an important factor for solving emerging problems in a timely manner. It’s important to create a sense of urgency, set the right priority, stretch up, but not stress out for boosting creative energy for solving problems innovatively. When people get stuck in the old routine and comfort zone, they barely survive the whirlwind of daily busyness, they keep doing things the old way and stifle innovation. It takes commitment and discipline to stay focused on the real priorities of the business instead of being distracted by what seems to be more urgent on any given day, Collectively, it’s important to develop a working environment in which talented people keep their curiosity, dare to challenge the status quo, have time management skills, practice creative thinking, broaden thoughts and connect wider dots for coming up with alternative solutions to tough problems.

Iterative processes: Fundamentally, running a business is an iterative problem-solving continuum. It is important to apply creativity in a recursive way to the process for both problem identification and problem-solving. Try making improvements in the workflow, within a system can achieve innovation based on continuous improvement. Often, the large and complex problems have a lot of inter-dependencies and uncertainty, it calls for holistic and Systems Thinking to solve problems with iterative processes. The robust processes and tools enable a business entity to generate winning concepts for creative problem-solving on the consistent basis.

It is important to get out of the "fear" that blocks creative genius inside us, learn how to liberate imagination and come up with a new approach to problem-solving. Collectively, variance by mindset, personality, industry experience, role, and audience allow for superior need discovery, ranking and business model creation, assessment, and validation for creative problem-solving.


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