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Looking at 2019 Software Trends with Pivotal

Application security assessment

2019 is here, and with a new year comes new trends and technologies. In the digital age, the amount of information available is endless, and learning about what’s to come can be overwhelming. Over at our partner, Pivotal, they are bringing together experts, customers, and leading technologists to forecast transformative trends for 2019. Be sure to stay ahead of the curve by checking out the full blog post here, and read on to hear more about one that we at Perficient are particularly interested in.

Application re-platforming to the cloud is one of the areas where cloud-native application shifts are most prevalent. Re-platforming allows you to upgrade your legacy applications to better fit within your digital transformation strategies. According to Edward Hieatt, Senior Vice President of Customer Success at Pivotal,

“In 2019 I expect to see IT organizations modernize larger and more diverse workloads to our rapidly evolving set of cloud abstractions. Doing this will require good decision making that balances technical suitability, business criteria, and organizational factors aligned with a set of strategies (like Re-Host or Re-Factor) that deliver immediate results.”

Is your business looking to lower capital and operational expenses, while also increasing scalability, developer productivity, provider portability, hardware optimization, and the length of application life? Perficient works with Pivotal Cloud Foundry to do just that.  With shifting technology trends like the one we mention above, enterprises are moving towards cloud native tools, and are increasingly interested modernization strategies. If this sounds like your business, check out our guide: Transform Your Application Development with Pivotal Cloud Foundry.

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Brittany Becker

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