08 May 2012

Robocopy Profiles when USMT Fails

Sometimes the USMT just fails and cannot be successfully run on a machine. The alternative is to have the user logon to a new machine and manually copy their profile contents to the new machine, mainly the Desktop, PST files, My Documents, and IE Favorites. I wrote this script to do just that. It asks for the old computer name, the new computer name, and the username. The user must have logged onto the new machine first before running this, otherwise Windows will create a new profile named <username>.admin. There are certain parts of the profile that must be created by the system and cannot be copied over. I have tried several different things, such as creating the registry keys and nothing works without the user logging in first.

I wrote this script so that psexec.exe is run from the subdirectory of the network share this script is run from. You can see the location in the RemoteExec variable. I also deployed the latest compatible version of robocopy to the c:\windows\system32 directory on all XP machines so that it can be run locally. The robocopy is run locally on the source system so that if this is being run in a remote office and it's also going to another machine in that same office, the traffic will only be in that office, otherwise it would have to come back to the system where the script was executed and then back to the destination system.

Here is a link to download the script.

 '     Program: ProfileRobocopy.vbs  
 '      Author: Mick Pletcher  
 '        Date: 04 January 2010  
 '    Modified:  
 ' Description: This script will robocopy a profile from one machine to another.  
 '                 It is intended to be used when the USMT fails. The user must  
 '                 logon to the new machine before running this script. If this is  
 '                 executed before a profile is created, a new profile will be  
 '                 created <profile>.xxx and the user will not see any of the   
 '                 copied data.  
 '                 There needs to be a %NetworkPath%\PSTools directory containing  
 '                 PSTools. Robocopy needs to be present in the PSTools directory.  
 '                 PSTools allows for the robocopy to run locally on the old  
 '                 machine, thereby conserving bandwidth if it is at a remote  
 '                 location.   
 Option Explicit  

 REM Define Constants  
 CONST TempFolder  = "c$\temp\"  
 CONST LogFolderName = "ProfileCopy"  
 CONST NetworkPath  = "\\global.gsp\data\special\Deploy\USMT\"  

 REM Define Global Variables  
 DIM NewComputer   : Set NewComputer   = Nothing  
 DIM OldComputer   : Set OldComputer   = Nothing  
 DIM NewComputerOS : Set NewComputerOS = Nothing  
 DIM OldComputerOS : Set OldComputerOS = Nothing  
 DIM LogFolder     : Set LogFolder     = Nothing  
 DIM OS            : Set OS            = Nothing  
 DIM RelativePath  : Set RelativePath  = Nothing  
 DIM ReturnCode    : ReturnCode        = "0"  
 DIM UserName      : Set UserName      = Nothing  

 REM Define relative installation path  
 REM Prompt for Old Computer Name, New Computer Name, and Username  
 REM Create the log folder  
 REM Determine which OS this script is being run from  
 MSGBOX OldComputerOS & Chr(32) & NewComputerOS  
 If (OldComputerOS = "WindowsXP") and (NewComputerOS = "WindowsXP") then  
      REM Robocopy the profile from the old XP machine to the new XP machine  
 End If  
 If (OldComputerOS = "WindowsXP") and (NewComputerOS = "Windows7") then  
      REM Robocopy the profile from the old XP machine to the new Windows 7 machine  
 End If  
 If (OldComputerOS = "Windows7") and (NewComputerOS = "Windows7") then  
      REM Robocopy the profile from the old Windows 7 machine to the new Windows 7 machine  
 End If  
 REM Verify there were no errors during the robocopy  
 REM Cleanup Global Variables  

 Sub DefineRelativePath()  

      REM Get File Name with full relative path  
      RelativePath = WScript.ScriptFullName  
      REM Remove file name, leaving relative path only  
      RelativePath = Left(RelativePath, InStrRev(RelativePath, "\"))  

 End Sub  
 Sub GetComputerInfo()  

      OldComputer = InputBox( "Enter the old computer name:" )  
      NewComputer = InputBox( "Enter the new computer name:" )  
      UserName  = InputBox( "Enter the username:" )  

 End Sub  
 Sub CreateLogFolder()  

      REM Define Local Objects  
      DIM FSO : Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")  

      REM Define Local Variables  
      DIM Logs : Set Logs = Nothing  

      REM Initialize Local Variables  
      LogFolder = "\\" & OldComputer & "\" & TempFolder & LogFolderName & "\"  
      Logs      = LogFolder & "robocopy.log"  

      If NOT FSO.FolderExists("\\" & OldComputer & "\" & TempFolder) then  
           FSO.CreateFolder("\\" & OldComputer & "\" & TempFolder)  
      End If  
      If NOT FSO.FolderExists(LogFolder) then  
      End If  
      If FSO.FileExists(Logs) then  
      End If  

      REM Cleanup Local Variables  
      Set FSO  = Nothing  
      Set Logs = Nothing  

 End Sub  
 Sub DetermineOS()  

      REM Define Local Objects  
      DIM FSO : Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")  

      IF FSO.FolderExists("\\" & OldComputer & "\c$\users\") then  
           OldComputerOS = "Windows7"  
           OldComputerOS = "WindowsXP"  
      End If  
      IF FSO.FolderExists("\\" & NewComputer & "\c$\users\") then  
           NewComputerOS = "Windows7"  
           NewComputerOS = "WindowsXP"  
      End If  

      REM Cleanup Local Variables  
      Set FSO = Nothing  

 End Sub  
 Sub CopyFilesXP2XP()  

      REM Define Local Objects  
      DIM oShell : SET oShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")  

      REM Define Local Variables  
      DIM ExcludeDir   : Set ExcludeDir   = Nothing  
      DIM ExcludeFiles : Set ExcludeFiles = Nothing  
      DIM Logs         : Set Logs         = Nothing  
      DIM Parameters   : Set Parameters   = Nothing  
      DIM RoboCopy     : Set RoboCopy     = Nothing  
      DIM Switches     : Set Switches     = Nothing  
      DIM RemoteExec   : RemoteExec       = RelativePath & "PSTools\PsExec.exe \\" & OldComputer &_  
                                                        Chr(32) & "-u nash\win2kload -p 2kosload" & Chr(32)  

      REM Initialize Robocopy Variables  
      Switches     = "/e /eta /r:1 /w:0"  
      ExcludeDir   = "/xd LocalService NetworkService *Links* *temp *TEMPOR~1 *cache"  
      ExcludeFiles = "/xf ntuser.* *.exd *.nk2 *.srs extend.dat *cache* *.oab index.* {* *.ost UsrClass.* SharePoint*.pst history* *tmp*"  
      Logs         = "/log:" & LogFolder & "robocopy.log"  
      Parameters   = Chr(32) & Switches & Chr(32) & ExcludeDir & Chr(32) & ExcludeFiles  
      RoboCopy     = RemoteExec & NetworkPath & "PSTools\robocopy.exe " & Chr(34) & "c:\Documents and Settings\" & UserName & Chr(34) &_  
                          Chr(32) & Chr(34) & "\\" & NewComputer & "\c$\Documents and Settings\" & UserName & Chr(34) & Parameters  

      ReturnCode = oShell.Run(RoboCopy, 1, True)  

      REM Local Memory Cleanup  
      Set oShell       = Nothing  
      Set Switches     = Nothing  
      Set ExcludeDir   = Nothing  
      Set ExcludeFiles = Nothing  
      Set Logs         = Nothing  
      Set Parameters   = Nothing  
      Set RemoteExec   = Nothing  
      Set RoboCopy     = Nothing  

 End Sub  
 Sub CopyFilesXP2Win7()  

      REM Define Local Objects  
      DIM oShell : SET oShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")  

      REM Define Local Variables  
      DIM ExcludeDir   : Set ExcludeDir   = Nothing  
      DIM ExcludeFiles : Set ExcludeFiles = Nothing  
      DIM Logs         : Set Logs         = Nothing  
      DIM Parameters   : Set Parameters   = Nothing  
      DIM RoboCopy     : Set RoboCopy     = Nothing  
      DIM Switches     : Set Switches     = Nothing  
      DIM RemoteExec   : RemoteExec       = RelativePath & "PSTools\PsExec.exe \\" & OldComputer &_  
                                                        Chr(32) & "-u nash\win2kload -p 2kosload" & Chr(32) 
      REM Initialize Robocopy Variables  
      Switches     = "/e /eta /r:1 /w:0"  
      ExcludeDir   = "/xd Application* Cookies IETldCache *Links* Local* NetHood NetworkService PrintHood PrivacIE Recent SendTo Start* *temp Templates *TEMPOR~1 Tracing *cache"  
      ExcludeFiles = "/xf ntuser.* ilent* *.exd *.nk2 *.srs extend.dat *cache* *.oab index.* {* *.ost UsrClass.* SharePoint*.pst history* *tmp*"  
      Logs         = "/log:" & LogFolder & "robocopy.log"  
      Parameters   = Chr(32) & Switches & Chr(32) & ExcludeDir & Chr(32) & ExcludeFiles  
      RoboCopy     = RemoteExec & NetworkPath & "PSTools\robocopy.exe " & Chr(34) & "c:\Documents and Settings\" & UserName & Chr(34) &_  
                          Chr(32) & Chr(34) & "\\" & NewComputer & "\c$\users\" & UserName & Chr(34) & Parameters  

      ReturnCode = oShell.Run(RoboCopy, 1, True)  

      REM Local Memory Cleanup  
      Set oShell       = Nothing  
      Set Switches     = Nothing  
      Set ExcludeDir   = Nothing  
      Set ExcludeFiles = Nothing  
      Set Logs         = Nothing  
      Set Parameters   = Nothing  
      Set RemoteExec   = Nothing  
      Set RoboCopy     = Nothing  

 End Sub  
 Sub CopyFilesWin72Win7()  

      REM Define Local Objects  
      DIM oShell : SET oShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")  

      REM Define Local Variables  
      DIM ExcludeDir   : Set ExcludeDir   = Nothing  
      DIM ExcludeFiles : Set ExcludeFiles = Nothing  
      DIM Logs         : Set Logs         = Nothing  
      DIM Parameters   : Set Parameters   = Nothing  
      DIM RoboCopy     : Set RoboCopy     = Nothing  
      DIM Switches     : Set Switches     = Nothing  
      DIM RemoteExec   : RemoteExec       = RelativePath & "PSTools\PsExec.exe \\" & OldComputer &_  
                                                        Chr(32) & "-u nash\win2kload -p 2kosload" & Chr(32)  

      REM Initialize Robocopy Variables  
      Switches     = "/e /eta /r:1 /w:0"  
      ExcludeDir   = "/xd LocalService NetworkService *Links* *temp *TEMPOR~1 *cache"  
      ExcludeFiles = "/xf ntuser.* *.exd *.nk2 *.srs extend.dat *cache* *.oab index.* {* *.ost UsrClass.* SharePoint*.pst history* *tmp*"  
      Logs         = "/log:" & LogFolder & "robocopy.log"  
      Parameters   = Chr(32) & Switches & Chr(32) & ExcludeDir & Chr(32) & ExcludeFiles  
      RoboCopy     = RemoteExec & NetworkPath & "PSTools\robocopy.exe " & Chr(34) & "c:\users\" & UserName & Chr(34) &_  
                          Chr(32) & Chr(34) & "\\" & NewComputer & "\c$\users\" & UserName & Chr(34) & Parameters  

      ReturnCode = oShell.Run(RoboCopy, 1, True)  

      REM Local Memory Cleanup  
      Set oShell       = Nothing  
      Set Switches     = Nothing  
      Set ExcludeDir   = Nothing  
      Set ExcludeFiles = Nothing  
      Set Logs         = Nothing  
      Set Parameters   = Nothing  
      Set RemoteExec   = Nothing  
      Set RoboCopy     = Nothing  

 End Sub  
 Sub VerifyCopy()  

      If ReturnCode = "0" then  
           MsgBox("The profile, " & UserName & ", on " & OldComputer & " successfully copied to " & NewComputer & ".")  
           MsgBox("The profile, " & UserName & ", on " & OldComputer & " failed to copy to " & NewComputer & " due to error " & ReturnCode & ".")  
      End If  

 End Sub  
 Sub GlobalMemoryCleanup()  

      Set NewComputer  = Nothing  
      Set OldComputer  = Nothing  
      Set RelativePath = Nothing  
      Set UserName     = Nothing  

 End Sub  


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