In a nutshell: Do you enjoy Counter-Strike: Global Offensive but are absolutely useless? Maybe you're a great player who's considering competing. For those who are serious about improving their CS: GO skills, Logitech G has announced a skill-based esports training program that will assess your abilities and help buff areas where you may be lacking.

Logitech G, Logitech's gaming arm, says its Playmaster program is "backed by science" and built with professional esports organizations. The Lero Esports Science Research Lab at the University of Limerick acted as lead research partner for the project, which sees CS: GO as the first supported game.

Playmaster begins with a 30-minute baseline test on custom-made maps and levels to assess your skills. Once complete, the program shows how you compare with other players and the pros. The AI then recommends personalized training challenges so you can work on weaker skills, be they tracking players, shooting, perception, etc.

"Whether gamers are competitive or casual, our personalized training will help them get the most out of the games they play and has already been shown to directly improve an individual's in-game performance," writes Logitech G.

You can sign up for early access to the Playmaster beta here. It's currently free, and more games will be added in the future. Whether Logitech G will eventually start charging for the program remains to be seen.