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Instagram: Everything About This Popular Photo App

Instagram is the popular photo app for iPhone and Android. With filters you give photos and videos a unique look, you can also share Stories. Read all about it.

Instagram is one of the most popular photo applications in the App Store, with millions of users. Instagram is known for its photo filters; with which you adjust the colors of photos. The filters give photos a special appearance, which is further enhanced by the square format. This is reminiscent of the old Polaroid photos.

Meanwhile, the app has become the most essential app with which people share pictures and videos with each other. In this explanation article, you can read all about this popular photo app and how to take the perfect shots. To make your posts on Instagram stand out, we recommend you to buy likes on Instagram. When you do, your picture will receive the attention it deserves!

Instagram is a simple app in which you can enhance your p

What is Instagram?

hotos and videos with color filters, borders, and simple edits. You can share photos and videos on social networks like Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr, but also share the images in the app itself. Instagram is also a social network where users can like each other’s work and respond to it. Since June 2013 it is possible to make and upload videos. These videos were initially up to 15 seconds long, but that has now been stretched to a minute. In 2016 the app was expanded with Instagram Stories and the possibility to live stream.

Instagram has released a few other apps. In July 2014, they introduced the separate app Bolt to send photos and videos to friends quickly, but this app was not a success and so promptly disappeared. The video app Hyperlapse followed in August. With the Instagram Layout app, you can compile a photo collage. They also released the Instagram Boomerang app in October 2015. This makes short video loops of up to one second.

Download Instagram

Instagram is available for free as an iPhone app. Also, the Instagram website is optimized for the iPad, and you can now also use it to share photos. The Android app is available through the Google Play Store.

Origin and Growth of Instagram

Instagram is a part of Facebook thanks to a takeover since April 2012. The company with 12 employees was taken over for approximately 1 billion dollars. At that time, there were more than 30 million users. In April 2017, the limit of 700 million users was exceeded.

Initially, the app was only available on the iPhone. When the application also became available on Android in April 2012, some of the iPhone users dropped out. They were afraid that the app would be flooded with unpopular pictures. Instagram was initially an app for the more artistic photos with the leading competitor Hipstamatic. Later it became an app ‘for the people’, where the quality of the photos no longer matters. The popularity has also caused other parties to introduce photo filters, such as Apple’s Camera app, Twitter and Flickr.

In 2016, Instagram expanded its app in a short time, among other things by copying various functions of Snapchat. It was initially Stories that can be seen for 24 hours for your friends. Later followed the possibility to send photos and videos to friends that automatically disappear and live stream.

Up Your Instagram Photo Game

No matter how good the lens on your phone is, the final picture may not always have the desired result. Fortunately, some tips and tricks make your photos even better.

The current phones have fantastic lenses, but on a cold day, you might be shaking so much that your picture has been moved. Or maybe you wanted to make an extreme close-up, but the lens could not handle that. Anyway, the images you make with your phone for Instagram can be many times better. And you really do not have to put a lot of effort into that.

Use an external lens

Do you want to make more creative photos, but is the lens of your phone not suitable? Nowadays there are plenty of external lenses that you can place on your phone and are also quite cheap. Consider, for example, special fish-eye lenses with which you take 180-degree photos, wide-angle lenses and macro lenses for the extreme close-ups.

Use a tripod

Yes, the camera on your phone is excellent. But just like with other cameras, there is a chance that your photo has been moved. A tripod is then a handy accessory.

Moreover, you can also use it to achieve more difficult positions and to choose appropriate angles. For example, place it on the handlebars of your bike or a lamppost and use a remote control to take the picture.

Use a photo editing app

Photo editing can be done with Adobe Photoshop or one of the numerous online photo editing programs, but there are also a lot of apps for photo editing available for your phone. Even Photoshop now has an app for the iPhone. Most apps have different filters and options, which makes your photos just a bit more original. It is wise to choose one or two that you use a lot, so you do not have to figure out how everything works with different apps.

Play with your settings

Your phone has all kinds of fun features on the camera which you can use. This allows you to focus on specific parts by tapping on your screen and using a burst mode. Whether you know the functions or not, it is crucial that you become familiar with your camera. That way you can almost blindly use it when the perfect moment for a beautiful photo occurs.

Get inspired by other photographers

The best way to get inspired and learn new tricks is to follow your favorite photographers. Many of them are now on Instagram and use nothing more than an iPhone to take pictures. A search on the platform is therefore not a bad idea.

Originally posted 2019-03-10 07:04:27. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

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