The challenges organizations have with disconnected messaging are plentiful. Marketing and communications pros have long struggled to create cohesion across different audiences — everyone from buyers and customers to employees, partners, and investors. The root of the problem is a disconnected organization. Our research finds that 41% of marketing leaders acknowledge that messaging is built in silos, and half of those leaders also note that their companies create messaging top-down versus being audience-centric.

Connected Messaging Drives Positive Business Outcomes

A remarkable relationship exists between connected messaging and brand trust, a primary driver of B2B buyer purchase intent. For example, the most trusted B2B organizations in the Fortune 500 share a common attribute — they are great at connected messaging. The messaging they deliver drives trust, and that, in turn, drives positive business outcomes. These few companies across industries invest time and effort to create detailed messages that connect back to a central theme. They convey audience-specific messages while combining with messages from other parts of the organization to create resonance in the market.

A Dedicated Team Can Reconnect A Disconnected Organization

Addressing the root of the problem — a disconnected organization — starts with building a team of dedicated people. Specifically, cross-departmental leaders and doers should be tasked with building messaging together. This team enables the organization to align around its most impactful messages to deliver value to each audience. Members of the team not only build their own messaging for the audience they serve, but they also review each other’s messaging to ensure that it’s connected. Additionally, they test it to ensure that the messaging is resonant, and they come back together to make changes. Connected messaging is a team sport, and the team must work together to be successful.


Learn More About The Connected Messaging Team At B2B Summit North America

Join our session, “Building A Connected Messaging Team That Drives Aligned Organizational Value,” at B2B Summit North America in Austin, Texas, next month. We’ll discuss the current state of B2B messaging, dig into examples of companies that get it right, and provide guidance on how you can get started on building your team. Forrester clients can also read our latest report on building connected messaging teams and schedule guidance sessions with us to learn more.