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Home » IT & Tech Blogs » Information Technology Blog - Featured » How to Keep Your Information Online Private and Secure

How to Keep Your Information Online Private and Secure

In today’s technologically advanced world, it is more important than ever to keep your information safe and secure. One of the best ways to do this is to change your passwords on all of your accounts on a regular basis. Ditch any passwords that are easy to figure out, i.e. “password”, “admin” or “1234”.

The following article will help you keep your sensitive information protected. Follow these easy tips to secure all of your accounts and keep would-be information thieves at bay.


Always create a strong password and do not reuse the password for other sites. Many people are guilty of using a child’s name or a pet’s name that everyone knows as their password. If you are doing that, stop it. Create a strong and unique password that no one could guess to help secure each website.  Never reuse passwords! This is especially true for websites where private information is found, such as online banking websites and credit card sites. One of the easiest ways to help strengthen your passwords is to use LastPass.


In addition to this, take advantage of a website’s two-step authentication. This will help slow down hackers. Anytime you log into the website from a new computer or mobile device, you will be required to enter a code before accessing your account.


Keep your personal and business files separated. You should never include personal information in your business accounts. Many businesses have rules about storing business information on unapproved file sharing sites because of the danger of business information being accidentally leaked. This is the very reason that business owners regulate the applications that employees are allowed to use. Ideally you need a data room – you can read more about them here.


Monitor your accounts closely on a daily basis. This will help you spot any potential problems and can help you catch any theft early. Have you ever received a strange email from a family member or friend? Has one of your email contacts told you sent them something that you didn’t send? All of these things are things to look out for. As long as you do not notice anything odd, you should be safe. Just keep monitoring and always assume you are at risk.


  • Stay away from links inside unwanted emails
  • Turn on your firewall
  • Keep cautious about attachments
  • Turn on spam filters
  • Do not trust unsolicited emails
  • Keep your antivirus up to date


The market is full of really well made anti-virus programs, while some are cheaper than others its best to review them all and find one of your liking. These can catch most malicious bugs that enter your system prior to them getting to work on your files. Some viruses can leak private photos, texts, and details of your location such as an ip number. It is best to catch them early before they become too much for even a good anti-virus to handle.


This is a very common term in the online community. Website fishing is an extremely common way to fool people into thinking they are logging into everyday websites but in reality they are entering a copy site that gathers data. They are made to look identical to the real one and have similar URL’s as the official version, some of the information they like to gather are:

  • Social Security Numbers
  • Home address
  • Full Names
  • Telephone Numbers
  • Email address
  • Social Media Links

The steps described above can help protect your personal information and improve your security when you are online. Use a file sharing site that offers secure encryptions to help decrease the risk of theft of your personal and business information. Check each website that you have information on and change your passwords regularly to protect your private information.

How to remove personal information from internet
Privacy and Security on the Internet

Originally posted 2016-06-06 17:51:30. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

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  1. I have always been struggling to remember all the passwords I use to sign-in to different websites. It’s pointless to write them down on a piece of paper, however which one do you recommend the most 1password or LastPass since they both are paid services?

    • If you want cloud hosted password management, then lastpass. If you want onsite password management, then keepass.

  2. Essential info. Fuck thieves.

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