What Is a Web Application Firewall (WAF)? Definition, Types, Working, and Features

A web application firewall (WAF) defends websites by detecting and blocking malicious online activities and attacks.

January 18, 2024

3D illustration of fire between a computer and servers, indicating a firewall that filters HTTP traffic between web apps and the internet.
  • A web application firewall (WAF) is defined as a security tool that shields websites and web applications from online threats by monitoring and filtering incoming web traffic.
  • It operates like a protective barrier between the internet and the web application, safeguarding against cyberattacks.
  • This article dives into the details of WAF, its types, features, working, and deployment.

What Is Web Application Firewall (WAF)?

A web application firewall (WAF) is a security tool that shields websites and web applications from online threats by monitoring and filtering incoming web traffic. It operates like a protective barrier between the internet and the web application, safeguarding against cyberattacks.

WAFs work by inspecting incoming HTTP requests and responses and analyzing their content, headers, and parameters. They use predefined rules and heuristics to identify and block suspicious or malicious activity, such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks.

Imagine a retail website that uses a WAF. Suppose a hacker tries to input malicious code into the website’s search bar to exploit vulnerabilities and gain unauthorized access. The WAF can detect this activity and block the request, preventing the attack from reaching the application.

Another instance involves a blogging platform that employs a WAF. Suppose an attacker tries to inject harmful scripts into the comments section of a blog post, intending to spread malware to visitors. The WAF can recognize and prevent the malicious script from being displayed on the site, protecting users from potential harm.

WAFs offer several advantages. They provide real-time defense against evolving threats without requiring changes to the application’s code. This means that even if a website has vulnerabilities, the WAF can help mitigate risks by stopping attacks targeting those vulnerabilities. Additionally, WAFs offer insights into web traffic patterns, aiding in identifying new attack vectors.

However, WAFs have limitations. They might generate false positives, blocking legitimate users if the rules are too strict. Also, advanced attacks can sometimes bypass WAFs if they exploit vulnerabilities not covered by the WAF’s rules.

WAF market

The web application firewall market exhibits a fragmented landscape with diverse players catering to the escalating instances of web application attacks. This surge in attacks has led to the emergence of opportunities for new entrants, while established players are segmented across various business sizes — small, medium, and large enterprises.

The competitive landscape is fierce among small and medium players. Notable industry contenders include Akamai Technologies Inc., F5 Networks Inc., Barracuda Networks Inc., Imperva, Inc., and more.

Akamai Technologies Inc. unveiled its Prolexic Network Cloud Firewall in April 2023. This innovative addition empowers customers to define and manage their access control lists (ACLs), affording them greater flexibility to fortify their network edge. Leveraging Akamai’s cloud-based DDoS protection platform, this advancement intercepts and neutralizes attacks before they infiltrate applications, data centers, and internet-facing infrastructure.

Simultaneously, Barracuda Networks Inc. announced a distribution partnership with Ingram Micro in April 2023 for the Gulf region. This strategic collaboration empowers Ingram Micro to extend Barracuda’s comprehensive portfolio of security solutions, including email, application, cloud, network, and data security, to resellers across the UAE, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, Bahrain, Yemen, and Pakistan.

Market projections underscore the robust trajectory of the web application firewall sector, with forecasts indicating a market size of $13.7 billion by 2027, according to a July 2022 report from MarketsAndMarkets. The driving forces behind this growth are the mounting numbers of web applications and the accelerated adoption of WAF solutions, propelled by technological proliferation and the expanding footprint of the Internet of Things (IoT).

In parallel, a 2023 report from Mordor Intelligence emphasizes North America’s dominance in the global web application firewall market. The region’s advanced technological infrastructure and substantial financial resources position it as a key provider of WAF solutions. The market’s upward trajectory is further fueled by increased spending in the defense industry and technological advancements in telecommunications.

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Types of WAF

Web application firewalls (WAFs) offer a range of specific security features and deployment options. Here are the main types of WAFs:

Types of WAF

WAF Types

  1. Network-based WAFs: These are placed between the web application and the user, often within the network infrastructure. They monitor incoming and outgoing traffic, identifying and stopping threats before they reach the application. For instance, if a user tries to send a suspicious request containing SQL injection code, the network-based WAF detects it and blocks the request.
  2. Host-based WAFs: These are installed on the server hosting the web application. They operate directly within the application environment, providing deep visibility into application behavior. For example, if an attacker tries to exploit a vulnerability in the application’s code, the host-based WAF can detect the attack and prevent the execution of malicious code.
  3. Cloud-based WAFs: These are hosted in the cloud and protect web applications without requiring on-premises hardware or software. They are easy to scale and manage and particularly useful for organizations with cloud-based applications. If a company hosts an e-commerce site on a cloud platform, a cloud-based WAF can safeguard against attacks targeting payment information.
  4. Web server plugin WAFs: These are integrated with specific web servers, such as Apache or Nginx. They analyze traffic before it reaches the web application, providing a focused defense at the web server level. If a hacker tries to exploit a vulnerability in the server software, the plugin WAF can block the malicious request.
  5. Reverse proxy WAFs: These act as intermediaries between users and the web application servers. They handle requests on behalf of the servers, filtering out malicious traffic. For instance, if an attacker attempts to send a large number of requests in a short period to overwhelm the server (a DDoS attack), the reverse proxy WAF can mitigate the attack by distributing the traffic.
  6. Inline WAFs: Inline WAFs sit directly in the path of web traffic and can actively block malicious requests. They are known for their real-time protection capabilities. For example, if a user tries to submit a form containing a malicious file attachment, the inline WAF can prevent the attachment from being uploaded.
  7. Distributed WAFs: These are designed for large-scale deployments, such as content delivery networks (CDNs), where multiple edge locations handle traffic. They help protect against attacks targeting the entire infrastructure. For instance, if an attacker aims to exploit a vulnerability across multiple regions, the distributed WAF can ensure consistent defense.

In summary, different types of WAFs offer tailored protection against web-based threats. Network-based, host-based, cloud-based, web server plugin, reverse proxy, inline, and distributed WAFs each have unique advantages in safeguarding web applications from various attacks, making them a vital component of modern cybersecurity strategies.

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Do Web Application Firewalls Work?

Web application firewalls (WAFs) protect web applications from various cyber threats. Here’s how they function:

  1. Traffic inspection: When a user interacts with a web application by sending a request (e.g., clicking a link or submitting a form), the WAF intercepts the incoming traffic before it reaches the application.
  2. Request analysis: The WAF carefully examines the incoming HTTP request. It inspects parameters, headers, content, and other elements within the request to understand its purpose and potential security implications.
  3. Rule matching: The WAF compares the content of the request against a set of predefined security rules. These rules define patterns associated with different types of attacks, such as SQL injection or XSS. If a request matches any of these patterns, the WAF identifies it as potentially malicious.
  4. Anomaly detection: In addition to rule-based matching, some WAFs use anomaly detection techniques. They compare the incoming request’s characteristics against a baseline of normal behavior. If the request significantly deviates from this baseline, it might be considered suspicious.
  5. Blocking and alerting: If the WAF determines the incoming request is malicious or suspicious, it takes action based on its configuration. It can either block the request from reaching the web application or trigger an alert for further analysis. Blocking helps prevent attacks from succeeding, while alerting allows security teams to investigate potential threats.
  6. Legitimate traffic handling: Legitimate requests that do not match any security rules or anomalies are allowed to pass through the WAF without interruption. This ensures that normal user interactions with the web application remain unaffected.
  7. Response inspection: Similarly, the WAF monitors outgoing responses from the web application to users. It checks for any sensitive data leakage, content modification, or indications of successful attacks in the responses.
  8. Continuous monitoring and learning: Modern WAFs often include learning capabilities. They continuously analyze incoming traffic patterns to adapt and improve their rule sets over time. This helps them stay effective against evolving attack techniques.
  9. Customization and tuning: Administrators can configure the WAF’s rules to suit the specific requirements of their web application. They can fine-tune rule sensitivity, customize exception lists, and adjust security policies based on the application’s functionality.
  10. Regular updates: WAFs require regular updates to stay current against new attack vectors and vulnerabilities. Security vendors provide updates that include new rules and patches to keep the WAF’s protection current.
  11. Reporting and analysis: Many WAFs offer reporting and logging features. They provide insights into blocked requests, allowed traffic, detected threats, and overall traffic trends. This information is valuable for auditing, compliance, and security analysis.

Thus, WAFs act as a shield for web applications by carefully analyzing incoming and outgoing traffic, applying security rules, and blocking or alerting against malicious or suspicious activity. They play a crucial role in maintaining the security and integrity of web applications in the face of evolving cyber threats.

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Features of Web Application Firewall

Web application firewalls (WAFs) offer a range of key features that collectively enhance the security of web applications. These features are designed to detect, prevent, and mitigate various cyber threats. Here are some crucial features of WAFs:

  1. Attack detection and prevention: WAFs are equipped with predefined security rules that identify and block common attack patterns, such as SQL injection, XSS, and more. They inspect incoming requests and responses, effectively halting attacks before they reach the web application.
  2. Granular rule configuration: WAFs allow administrators to configure rules with varying levels of sensitivity and specificity. This customization ensures that the WAF can protect the application without overly blocking legitimate traffic.
  3. Positive and negative security models: WAFs employ both positive security models (allowing only explicitly permitted behaviors) and negative security models (blocking explicitly known attack patterns). This combination maximizes protection while minimizing false positives and negatives.
  4. Anomaly detection: Besides predefined rules, WAFs can identify deviations from normal traffic patterns. Anomaly detection helps detect zero-day attacks and emerging threats that may not yet have specific rule definitions.
  5. Bot detection and mitigation: WAFs can distinguish between legitimate user traffic and malicious bots. They use techniques like CAPTCHA challenges or rate limiting to prevent automated attacks, data scraping, and other malicious bot activities.
  6. Session protection: WAFs help protect user sessions by monitoring session-related activities and preventing session hijacking, fixation, and other attacks that target user sessions.
  7. Data loss prevention: WAFs can identify and prevent sensitive data leakage by monitoring outgoing responses. This feature is crucial to preventing data breaches and protecting user privacy.
  8. Content inspection and filtering: WAFs can analyze and filter content within requests and responses, enabling them to detect and block malicious payloads hidden in the application’s data.
  9. Security logging and reporting: WAFs generate detailed logs of detected threats, blocked requests, and allowed traffic. These logs facilitate security audits, compliance reporting, and post-incident analysis.
  10. Real-time monitoring and immediate response: WAFs operate in real-time, detecting and responding to threats as they happen. This ensures timely protection and reduces the window of vulnerability.
  11. Integration with threat intelligence: Many WAFs integrate with threat intelligence feeds, allowing them to stay updated about the latest attack vectors, malware, and malicious IPs. This helps in proactively blocking emerging threats.
  12. Virtual patching: In cases where a web application has known vulnerabilities but patches cannot be immediately applied, WAFs can act as a virtual patch by blocking attempts to exploit those vulnerabilities.
  13. SSL/TLS offloading and inspection: WAFs can offload SSL/TLS encryption, decrypting and inspecting traffic for malicious content before re-encrypting it for delivery to the web application.

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WAF Deployment

WAF deployment involves implementing the WAF within the web application’s infrastructure to shield it from online threats. Here’s how WAF deployment works:

  1. Choosing deployment type: Select the suitable deployment type, such as network-based, host-based, cloud-based, or reverse proxy, based on your application’s needs and infrastructure.
  2. Installing and configuring: Set up the WAF according to the chosen type. If it’s a network-based WAF, it’s positioned between users and the application. For a cloud-based WAF, it’s configured through the cloud provider’s dashboard.
  3. Connecting and communicating: Configure communication between the WAF and the web application or server. This often involves routing traffic through the WAF for inspection.
  4. Rule configuration: Define security rules based on common attack patterns and desired application behavior. These rules determine how the WAF responds to various threats.
  5. Customizing settings: Tailor the WAF settings to match the specific requirements of your application. Adjust rule sensitivity and create exceptions for certain traffic patterns.
  6. Testing and tuning: Test the WAF’s behavior with real traffic to ensure it doesn’t block legitimate user interactions. Fine-tune rules based on the results to reduce false positives.
  7. Monitoring traffic: Once deployed, the WAF continuously monitors incoming and outgoing traffic, analyzing each request and response to potential threats.
  8. Threat detection: The WAF uses its rules and anomaly detection to identify suspicious activity, such as SQL injection attempts or unusual traffic patterns.
  9. Blocking and alerting: When the WAF detects a threat, it takes action. It either blocks malicious requests from reaching the application or triggers alerts for further investigation.
  10. Regular updates: Keep the WAF up to date by applying regular updates provided by the WAF vendor. These updates include new rules and patches to defend against emerging threats.
  11. Incident analysis: Review WAF logs and alerts to analyze blocked requests and potential threats. Investigate any unusual patterns or incidents to strengthen security.
  12. Adjusting and scaling: As your application evolves, make necessary adjustments to the WAF’s configuration and rules. If your application grows, ensure the WAF can handle increased traffic.
  13. Ongoing maintenance: Regularly review and refine the WAF’s performance, rules, and settings. As threats evolve, the WAF should adapt to provide effective protection.

Thus, WAF deployment involves installing, configuring, and fine-tuning the WAF to fit your application’s needs. It continuously monitors traffic, detects threats, and responds in real time, ensuring your web application remains secure from various cyberattacks. 

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WAF and intrusion prevention system (IPS) are both cybersecurity tools, but they focus on different aspects of protection:

Sr. No. Difference WAF IPS
1 Focus A WAF primarily safeguards web applications by filtering and monitoring traffic between users and the application. An IPS safeguards networks by analyzing and acting on traffic patterns, looking for signs of malicious activities.
2 Purpose Its main goal is to defend against attacks that exploit vulnerabilities in web applications, such as SQL injection and XSS. It aims to detect and prevent a wide range of network-based attacks, including port scans, malware propagation, and other intrusion attempts.
3 Inspection WAFs inspect HTTP/HTTPS traffic, analyzing parameters, headers, and content to identify and block malicious requests. IPS examines network traffic at the packet level, identifying anomalies and known attack patterns.
4 Operating layer It operates at the application layer, understanding the context of web requests and responses. It operates at the network layer, focusing on patterns and behaviors that indicate network threats.
5 Attack detection method WAFs use predefined rules and patterns to spot known attack signatures and protect against application-specific vulnerabilities. IPS employs both signature-based detection (known patterns) and behavior-based detection (unusual activities).
6 Customization Administrators can configure rules to allow, block, or alert on specific types of traffic based on the application’s needs. IPS can be configured to block or alert certain types of traffic or behaviors, but it’s generally less application-specific than a WAF.
7 Use cases Ideal for protecting web applications, APIs, and websites against application-layer attacks. Ideal for securing networks and preventing a wide array of attacks from reaching the applications.
8 Example Detects and blocks an attempt to inject malicious code into a login form to gain unauthorized access. Identifies and blocks a series of rapid, unauthorized attempts to access different ports on a server, indicating a potential port scanning attack.

While both WAF and IPS contribute to cybersecurity, their main differences lie in their focus and scope. WAFs prioritize protecting web applications from application-layer attacks using predefined rules, while IPS solutions are broader, defending networks from various intrusion attempts by analyzing traffic patterns and behaviors. The choice between WAF and IPS depends on the specific security needs and vulnerabilities of the system you want to protect.


The future of WAFs will significantly evolve and expand, driven by the ongoing technological proliferation and the exponential growth of IoT. As technological advancements continue to shape the digital landscape, WAFs are expected to become even more sophisticated and adaptive, leveraging AI and machine learning to swiftly detect and mitigate emerging threats across an expanding array of interconnected devices and applications.

With cyber threats evolving in tandem with technology, the future of WAFs lies in their ability to provide comprehensive protection, predictive threat analysis, and automated response mechanisms to ensure the security and integrity of an increasingly interconnected digital ecosystem.

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Vijay Kanade
Vijay A. Kanade is a computer science graduate with 7+ years of corporate experience in Intellectual Property Research. He is an academician with research interest in multiple research domains. His research work spans from Computer Science, AI, Bio-inspired Algorithms to Neuroscience, Biophysics, Biology, Biochemistry, Theoretical Physics, Electronics, Telecommunication, Bioacoustics, Wireless Technology, Biomedicine, etc. He has published about 30+ research papers in Springer, ACM, IEEE & many other Scopus indexed International Journals & Conferences. Through his research work, he has represented India at top Universities like Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, USA), University of California (Santa Barbara, California), National University of Singapore (Singapore), Cambridge University (Cambridge, UK). In addition to this, he is currently serving as an 'IEEE Reviewer' for the IEEE Internet of Things (IoT) Journal.
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