What Is a Robot Operating System (ROS)? Meaning, Working, Applications, and Benefits

A robot operating system (ROS) facilitates robotics development by providing tools, libraries, and communication structures for modular applications. Learn in detail what ROS means, how it works, and a few of its benefits and applications.

February 13, 2024

An engineer and a technician programming a robotic drone
  • The robot operating system (ROS) is defined as a flexible and powerful framework designed for robotics software development.
  • ROS Does not function as a standalone operating system but as a middleware, leveraging conventional operating systems such as Linux and furnishing developers with a suite of libraries and tools to craft sophisticated and resilient robot applications.
  • This article sheds light on ROS’s fundamentals, detailing its functionality, significance, benefits, and practical applications.

    What Is a Robot Operating System (ROS)?

    The robot operating system (ROS) is a flexible and powerful framework designed for robotics software development. Despite its name, ROS is not an operating system in the traditional sense; rather, it’s a middleware that operates on top of a conventional operating system such as Linux. It provides a set of libraries and tools that help developers create complex and robust robot applications.

    At its core, ROS consists of a collection of software frameworks for various functionalities required in robotics, such as hardware abstraction, device drivers, communication between processes, package management, and more. It facilitates the creation of modular and reusable code, enabling developers to focus on specific components of a robotic system without reinventing the wheel.

    One of the key elements of ROS is its distributed computing architecture. It utilizes a graph-like structure where nodes, which are individual software processes, communicate with each other through topics, services, and actions. This communication is facilitated by a publish-subscribe messaging (pub-sub) system, allowing nodes to send and receive data efficiently.

    Nodes in the robot operating system can be responsible for various tasks, from controlling robot hardware such as motors and sensors to high-level decision-making processes such as path planning and navigation. These nodes can be written in various programming languages such as C++, Python, or others, making the ROS accessible to a wide range of developers.

    ROS also provides a rich set of tools for visualization, debugging, and simulation. RViz, for instance, is a visualization tool that allows users to see various data, such as sensor outputs or robot models, in a graphical interface. Gazebo is a simulation environment that enables testing and validating robot behaviors in a virtual environment before deploying them on physical robots.

    Additionally, ROS features a package management system that organizes and shares code among users. Users can create and distribute packages containing libraries, algorithms, drivers, or complete applications. This fosters collaboration within the robotics community as developers can leverage existing packages and contribute their own, accelerating the development process.

    Moreover, the robot operating system is highly adaptable and can be employed in various robotic applications, ranging from industrial robots and autonomous vehicles to drones and household robots. Its flexibility and scalability make it a preferred choice for both research and commercial projects in robotics.

    In practical terms, let’s consider a scenario where a developer wants to build an autonomous drone. With ROS, they can utilize existing packages for tasks such as sensor integration (e.g., cameras, GPS), implement algorithms for localization and path planning, simulate the drone’s behavior in Gazebo, and test its performance using ROS tools. The developer can also collaborate with others by sharing their work as ROS packages, contributing to the growing library of resources available within the ROS ecosystem.

    In short, the robot operating system simplifies and accelerates robotics software development by providing a framework for building modular, distributed, and reusable code. Its open-source nature, extensive community support, and diverse set of tools make it an indispensable tool for both beginners and experts in robotics.

    While its technicalities might seem intricate at first glance, ROS essentially acts as a facilitator, allowing developers to focus on innovating and creating advanced robotic systems without getting bogged down by low-level intricacies.

    Evolution of ROS

    ROS has evolved significantly since its inception in 2007. It was initially developed at Willow Garage and later supported by the Open Source Robotics Foundation (OSRF). Over the years, ROS has transitioned through multiple versions, each bringing functionality, performance, and usability improvements. Initially designed for research purposes, ROS quickly gained traction due to its modular architecture, facilitating collaboration and code reuse within the robotics community. Its adaptability across various hardware platforms and open-source nature fueled its growth, making it a go-to framework for robotics development worldwide.

    As ROS evolved, it expanded beyond research labs into industrial applications, enabling the development of complex robotic systems for autonomous vehicles, industrial automation, healthcare, and more. As per the official ROS website, over 740 businesses employed ROS in 2022. Such expansion was supported by the creation of ROS 2, addressing the limitations of the original ROS and enhancing its capabilities for real-time and industrial-grade deployments.

    ROS Versions

    Let’s look at some of the main versions of ROS:

    1. ROS 1

    • Initial development: ROS 1, also known as ‘Boxturtle’, was the first major release introduced in 2010. It laid the groundwork for the ROS framework, primarily focusing on research and experimentation in robotics.
    • Evolution and updates: Subsequent releases within ROS 1, named after different turtles such as Fuerte, Groovy, Hydro, Indigo, Jade, Kinetic, Lunar, and Melodic, brought about improvements in stability, performance, and expanded libraries for various functionalities.
    • Limitations addressed by ROS 2: Despite its success, ROS 1 faced challenges related to real-time capabilities, scalability, and support for modern architectures, leading to ROS 2’s development.

    2. ROS 2

    • Introduction and focus: ROS 2 was introduced in 2022 to address the limitations of ROS 1 and expand its capabilities for more diverse and complex robotics applications, especially in industrial and commercial settings.
    • Key features: ROS 2 brings several improvements, including better real-time performance, enhanced security, increased modularity, improved middleware (using Data Distribution Service – DDS), and expanded platform support.
    • Versions and advancements: ROS 2 versions include releases named after alphabetically ordered code names such as Ardent, Bouncy, Crystal, Dashing, Eloquent, Foxy, and Galactic, with each iteration refining the system and making it more suitable for industrial-grade deployments.

    In 2022, ROS reported a 7.45% rise in total ROS package downloads, with ROS 2 contributing 39.82% of all downloads. Year over year, ROS 2 experienced a remarkable 54.46% surge in package downloads.

    The transition from ROS 1 to ROS 2 signifies a shift toward more robust, scalable, and real-time-capable robotics frameworks. ROS 2’s development is ongoing, with a focus on addressing further industrial requirements, interoperability, and integration with modern technologies, marking it as the future of ROS for a wide array of robotics applications.

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    How Does ROS Work?

    Understanding how the robot operating system works involves delving into its core concepts and the step-by-step processes it employs. Here’s a breakdown of the workings of ROS into key technical steps:

    1. Node creation

    The foundation of ROS lies in its nodes, which are individual processes responsible for specific tasks. Developers create these nodes using ROS libraries in languages such as C++ or Python. Each node typically performs a particular function, such as controlling a sensor, processing data, or executing algorithms.

    2. Mastering the ROS Master

    At the core of ROS is the ROS Master, a critical component that facilitates communication among nodes. It acts as a centralized registry where nodes can find each other. When a node starts, it registers with the ROS Master, providing information about its name, type, and functionalities.

    3. Communication via topics

    Nodes communicate with each other using a pub-sub model through topics. Topics are named buses, where nodes can publish messages (publishers) or subscribe to receive messages (subscribers). For instance, a camera node might publish images to a ‘camera’ topic, while an image processing node subscribes to this topic to receive and process the images.

    4. Services for request-response communication

    In addition to topics, ROS employs services for request-response communication between nodes. A node provides a service with a specific functionality; other nodes can call this service to request that functionality. For example, a node controlling a robotic arm might offer a ‘move’ service that other nodes can call to instruct the arm’s movement.

    5. Parameter server for configuration

    ROS includes a parameter server that stores and manages dynamic configuration data. Nodes can store and retrieve parameters from this server, allowing easy configuration changes during runtime. Parameters can control various aspects, such as motor speeds, algorithm parameters, or sensor configurations.

    6. ROS packages and file system hierarchy

    ROS uses a specific file system hierarchy for organizing code into packages. A package typically contains nodes, configuration files, launch files (scripts to start multiple nodes), and other resources. This structure fosters modularity and reusability, enabling developers to share and collaborate on specific functionalities or algorithms.

    7. Tools for visualization and simulation

    ROS provides a suite of powerful tools for visualization and simulation, which are key aspects of robotics development. Some of the key examples include:

    • RQT: RQT is a powerful graphical user interface (GUI) framework within ROS that provides a collection of plugins for visualization, data inspection, and interaction with ROS nodes. It offers a customizable interface, allowing users to visualize data, manipulate parameters, and interact with multiple nodes simultaneously.
    • Stage: Stage is a 2D simulation environment within ROS that focuses on simulating robot behaviors in a 2D space. It allows for quick prototyping and testing of robot navigation algorithms in simplified environments.
    • MoveIt!: MoveIt! is a ROS package specifically designed for motion planning and manipulation. It offers tools for motion planning, kinematics, collision checking, and grasping, facilitating the development and testing of robotic manipulation tasks.
    • ROS Control: ROS Control provides a framework to control robot joints and actuators. It includes controllers for various types of robots, allowing users to interface with hardware and control robot movements in simulation and real-world scenarios.

    These tools, along with RViz and Gazebo, constitute a comprehensive suite within ROS, offering a range of functionalities crucial to developing, testing, and deploying robotic systems across different domains.

    8. Integration of hardware abstraction

    ROS abstracts hardware interfaces, allowing nodes to communicate with various sensors, actuators, and devices without worrying about low-level details. This abstraction layer simplifies development by providing standardized interfaces for different hardware components, promoting interoperability among robotic systems.

    9. Message types and serialization

    Communication between nodes involves passing messages. ROS defines message types for various data formats, such as integers, floats, images, and custom data structures. These messages are serialized for transmission across the ROS network, allowing nodes written in different languages to communicate seamlessly.

    10. Scalability and adaptability

    ROS is designed to be highly scalable and adaptable to various robotic applications. Its modular nature allows developers to add or remove nodes easily, enabling the creation of complex robotic systems by combining different functionalities. Moreover, ROS supports distributed computing, allowing nodes to run on multiple machines, enhancing performance and scalability.

    In essence, ROS operates by providing a structured and modular framework for developing robotics software. It abstracts complexities, enabling seamless communication between nodes, organizing code into packages for easy sharing, and offering a suite of tools for visualization, simulation, and hardware integration. This architecture empowers developers to focus on building advanced robotic applications without getting entangled in the intricacies of low-level system integration.

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    Applications of a Robot Operating System

    ROS has found extensive applications across various domains in robotics due to its flexibility, modularity, and rich set of tools. As per a July 2023 MarketsAndMarkets report, the ROS market was valued at $581 million in 2023 and is projected to reach $1,082 million by the end of 2028. The report underscores Asia Pacific, Europe, and North America as significant regional markets shaping the ROS landscape.

    With the adoption of ROS growing, we need to explore its diverse applications through examples demonstrating its usage in various domains.

    robot operating system applications

Robot Operating System Applications

1. Autonomous vehicles and drones

Self-driving cars: ROS is extensively used in autonomous vehicle research and development. It enables sensor data integration (LiDAR, cameras, and GPS) for perception, decision-making algorithms, and control systems. For instance, teams participating in the DARPA Urban Challenge used ROS to develop self-driving cars capable of navigating urban environments autonomously.

2. Industrial robotics

Robotic arms in manufacturing: ROS facilitates the development of industrial robots for tasks such as pick-and-place, assembly, and welding. It helps coordinate robotic arm movements, integrate sensors for object detection, and interface with machinery. Universal Robots, a leading industrial robot manufacturer, utilizes ROS to program and control its robotic arms.

3. Humanoid robots

Humanoid robot navigation: ROS enables the creation of humanoid robots capable of performing various tasks. It assists in implementing algorithms for navigation, object recognition, grasping, and interacting with the environment. The HRP-4C robot developed by AIST in Japan used ROS for its control system and high-level functionalities.

4. Medical robotics

Surgical robotics: ROS is key in developing surgical robots for minimally invasive procedures. It aids in integrating imaging systems, precise control of robotic arms, and haptic feedback for surgeons. The Raven II surgical robot developed by the University of Washington utilized ROS for research in teleoperated surgical robotics.

5. Agricultural robotics

Autonomous agricultural vehicles: ROS contributes to the development of autonomous robots for tasks such as planting, harvesting, and monitoring crops. It assists in integrating sensors for soil analysis, GPS for navigation, and machine learning algorithms for crop assessment. The BoniRob, a versatile agricultural robot, utilized ROS for its software infrastructure.

6. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)

Drone applications: ROS is widely employed in drone applications for tasks such as aerial surveillance, delivery, mapping, and environmental monitoring. It helps integrate sensors (cameras, LiDAR) for navigation, implementing flight control algorithms, and mission planning. The PX4 autopilot system often uses ROS for drone control and simulation.

7. Service robotics

Household robots: ROS aids in developing robots for household chores, assistance, and entertainment. It enables integration with sensors for environment perception, navigation algorithms for moving within a space, and user interaction. TurtleBot, a popular robot platform, utilizes ROS for various applications, including education and research in service robotics.

8. Research and education

Robotics research platforms: ROS serves as a fundamental tool in robotics research and education. It provides a standardized framework for experimenting with algorithms, testing new concepts, and teaching robotics concepts. Many universities and research institutions worldwide utilize ROS in their robotics courses and experiments due to its accessibility and versatility.

In each of these applications, ROS serves as a unifying platform that simplifies the development and deployment of complex robotic systems. It offers a standardized framework for integrating sensors, implementing algorithms, controlling actuators, and managing the overall functionality of robots, regardless of the application domain.

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Benefits of Robot Operating System

ROS offers several key benefits contributing to its popularity and widespread adoption in robotics. Here are some of the key advantages, along with examples illustrating these benefits:

1. Modularity and reusability

Let’s say a robotics researcher is developing a new robot that requires a navigation system. Instead of building the navigation system from scratch, they can utilize existing ROS packages for SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) or path planning. This modularity allows developers to reuse code, reducing development time and effort.

2. Open-source nature

A robotics startup working on autonomous delivery robots can leverage ROS’s open-source libraries and tools without incurring substantial software development costs. By utilizing ROS, they can access a vast community-contributed codebase, accelerating their development process and enabling rapid prototyping.

3. Distributed computing architecture

In the context of a robotic swarm, each robot can run ROS nodes communicating with one another. These nodes might exchange information about the environment, facilitating collaborative decision-making. For instance, a swarm of drones coordinating their flight paths to cover an area efficiently demonstrates the advantages of ROS’s distributed architecture.

4. Hardware abstraction

A robotics company developing a robotic arm can use ROS to interface with various sensors and actuators without being concerned about specific hardware details. This abstraction simplifies the development process, allowing the company to focus on higher-level functionalities rather than low-level hardware integration.

5. Simulation and visualization tools

A team building a Mars rover prototype can use ROS’s simulation tools, such as Gazebo, to replicate the Martian terrain and test the rover’s behavior in different scenarios. This enables them to validate algorithms and functionalities in a simulated environment before deploying the rover in real-world conditions.

6. Community support and collaboration

An academic research group working on humanoid robots benefits from ROS’s active community. They can collaborate with other researchers, share their developments as ROS packages, and receive feedback. This collaborative environment fosters innovation and accelerates advancements in humanoid robotics.

7. Scalability and adaptability

A robotics company creating a modular robot platform can use ROS to design interchangeable components. Each module can be represented as a ROS node, allowing easy integration of new functionalities or hardware upgrades without disrupting the entire system’s operation.

8. Educational value

Universities offering robotics courses leverage ROS to teach students fundamental concepts in robotics. Students can experiment with different robotic systems, learn about ROS’s architecture, and gain practical experience through simulations and hands-on projects, preparing them for real-world applications.

9. Integration with various robotics hardware

Using ROS, a robotics enthusiast building a DIY robot can easily integrate various off-the-shelf sensors, actuators, and motor controllers into the project. The availability of ROS drivers and libraries for a wide range of hardware components streamlines the integration process.

In short, the benefits of ROS encompass increased efficiency in development, cost-effectiveness, interoperability, and a supportive community, making it an attractive platform for robotics applications across industries, research, education, and hobbyist projects. Its versatility and adaptability empower developers to focus on innovation and the advancement of robotics technology.

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Looking ahead, the future of ROS continues to be promising, marked by ongoing advancements and an expanding ecosystem. ROS 2 has been gaining momentum, addressing critical issues such as real-time communication, better support for diverse hardware, improved security, and a more robust middleware infrastructure. The evolution of ROS 2 signifies a shift toward more industrial applications, aiming to meet the demands of commercial robotics, IoT integration, and critical real-time systems.

Moreover, integrating ROS with machine learning and AI frameworks indicates a direction toward more intelligent and adaptive robotic systems. As robotics technology continues to advance, ROS is expected to play a pivotal role in enabling the development of innovative and sophisticated robotic applications across industries, fostering a future where robots seamlessly integrate into our daily lives, from smart manufacturing to service robots and beyond.

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Vijay Kanade
Vijay A. Kanade is a computer science graduate with 7+ years of corporate experience in Intellectual Property Research. He is an academician with research interest in multiple research domains. His research work spans from Computer Science, AI, Bio-inspired Algorithms to Neuroscience, Biophysics, Biology, Biochemistry, Theoretical Physics, Electronics, Telecommunication, Bioacoustics, Wireless Technology, Biomedicine, etc. He has published about 30+ research papers in Springer, ACM, IEEE & many other Scopus indexed International Journals & Conferences. Through his research work, he has represented India at top Universities like Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, USA), University of California (Santa Barbara, California), National University of Singapore (Singapore), Cambridge University (Cambridge, UK). In addition to this, he is currently serving as an 'IEEE Reviewer' for the IEEE Internet of Things (IoT) Journal.
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