Gizmodo's Degrees of the Future

Honoring the universities that are preparing students for the 21st century.

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Gizmodo Degrees of the Future 2022 logo

In the 1950s, a visionary college student might have pursued a degree in computer science, and helped create our modern digital world. In the 1990s, that same student might have studied biotechnology, and developed genetic engineering techniques that are solving today’s health crises. But what and where should a forward-thinking student study in 2022?

To find out, Gizmodo has partnered with the independent market research provider Statista to identify the top universities within fields of study that we believe will define the 21st century. We’re looking for the programs offering the best education in areas ranging from artificial intelligence, bioinformatics, climatology, nanotechnology to neuroscience and more. We’re calling it “Degrees of the Future,” and it will debut in the second quarter of 2022.


The goal of this project is to provide guidance to students who are choosing a university in one of these important fields, and to recognize the universities preparing those students for the future. If you would like to nominate a school for one of these areas, we would like to hear your opinion. (See below for a full list.)

You can access the survey directly here.

The survey only takes a few minutes. Please note: To validate individual survey responses, we ask participants to enter their contact data (name, e-mail, and university) at the end of the survey. Your personal data will be treated confidentially at all times.


University registration: If you would like to ensure that your staff and students have an opportunity to voice their opinion in this study, you may register your college or university here and we will contact you to facilitate the distribution of the survey.



What will Degrees of the Future recognize?

The list will recognize the most widely recommended institutions within each discipline, including:

Biology: Epidemiology, Genetics, Immunology and Virology, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Neuroscience


Computer Science & Information Technology: Artificial Intelligence, Computer Graphics, Cybersecurity, Data Science, Game Design, UX Design

Engineering: Aerospace/Astronautical Engineering, Autonomy & Robotics, Biomedical Engineering, Energy Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Nanotechnology


Physics: Astronomy and Astrophysics

Medical and Healthcare: Health Informatics, Health Research and Innovation, Medical Microbiology and Bacteriology


Social Science: Diversity Studies, International Security Studies, Women’s and Gender Studies

Interdisciplinary: Bioinformatics, Environmental Science and Climate Change, Sustainability, Urban Planning


Who are you surveying?

University administrators, professors, students, and alumni, as well as certain researchers and administrators in the private sector.


What universities are you evaluating?

All accredited US colleges and universities can be nominated and recommended. Since it is an independent survey carried out by Gizmodo and Statista, all nominations come from participants in the survey. No prior registration is required for universities to be considered.


How are the winning universities identified?

The list will honor the programs that are most frequently recommended and best rated by the survey participants. The survey results will be combined with other research components to form the final list.


When and where will the Degrees of the Future be published?

We plan to publish the project in the third quarter of 2022 on

How do I know if my university is on the list?

Selected institutions will be notified by e-mail early in the summer of 2022.

Can I nominate my own school?

Persons who work at a college or university are not allowed to nominate their own institution, though we welcome their input about which universities they compete with, and what other programs serve their students well.


All persons who register are required to provide a valid e-mail address from their college or university, and their contact information. Alumni who no longer use their college or university e-mail can register using a valid e-mail address in connection with providing their LinkedIn profile or professional website. Please note that attempts to participate multiple times will not be counted. We reserve the right to exclude universities from the final list if we detect infringements of this rule.

Will participation in the survey be remunerated?

No. This is an independent survey and participation is voluntary.

How long will the survey take?

This survey will take just a few minutes to complete.

Will my individual responses be shared?

No. All responses will be confidential and anonymized.

How can I participate?

Here is the registration page for individual participants.

Here is the registration page for colleges and universities.

Can I share the survey link with others?

You may share this link with interested colleagues or students. To participate, these persons may register using their university or business e-mail address and full contact information.


Is there a cost for universities to appear on the published list?

No. All winners are allowed to promote their success via press releases, social media, or on their websites. However, optional paid opportunities will be available to winners, including congratulatory advertising packages and a licensing fee for use of the “Degrees of the Future” logo. This offer is open to all winners and completely voluntary.


Who is funding the 2022 Degrees of the Future list?

The list is funded, directed, and supported solely by Gizmodo’s parent company G/O Media and Statista.


I still have questions. Who can I contact?

Please email the Statista Degrees of the Future research team at


Updated 2/07/22 at 11:00AM ET with new details.