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Home » IT & Tech Blogs » Jobs » Five People to Hire to Help You with Your IT Systems

Five People to Hire to Help You with Your IT Systems

Not too long ago, IT professionals were relegated to IT companies, but that’s not the case anymore. Throughout the last few decades, IT professionals have become essential to all kinds of businesses, no matter what kind of products or services are being provided.

However, it isn’t as easy as hiring the first person in IT you come across. As technology has evolved, so have the job descriptions of IT professionals. They aren’t all created equal.

You may not need to hire every kind of IT professional, and you may find that some offer a wide range of services, but it is important to think carefully about what kind of person you’re looking for to ensure they are a good fit for your needs and your systems.


Keeping track of your data is extremely important. Unifi software is a great program that will enable you to keep all of your company’s information in one place. That way, you aren’t digging for data throughout multiple systems.

The question is, do you know what to do after you have collected all that data?

It is important to have company information audited on a regular basis. Not only can it keep Uncle Sam at bay, it also ensures you are complying with local and federal laws in regards to how you’re running your business. An auditor can help you compare your data and suggest solutions for the upcoming year.


In many cases, auditors are also accountants. If you realize you could use help, not only auditing your information, but keeping track of your finances throughout the year, consider hiring an accountant.

Accountants can access your systems and help you with a wide variety of things that include:

  • Ensure accuracy of documents
  • Keep financial records organized
  • Provide recommendations
  • Prepare financial documents and reports

If you’re looking for the most comprehensive support from an accountant, look for a certified public accountant (CPA). They are likely to be most up-to-date on the changes in local, state, and federal laws.

They can also help you when tax time rolls around. A CPA that work with your systems and information all year long is able to provide you with the most accurate returns.

Web Developers

Many businesses are familiar with web designers, but they are different than web developers. If you’re more concerned about hiring someone to help with the nitty gritty of your sites and applications, not just their design, choose a web developer.

There are different kinds of web development that you need to consider. Frontend developers take a design and translate it into code to make it a reality. Backend developers focus on how the site works, which is important if you’re hosting a website that includes user accounts or online shopping.

Looking for both? Many web developers are also designers, so look carefully at each resume to see exactly what each candidate can do for you.

Network Administrators

There’s a lot to keep track of when it comes to your IT systems. If you’re looking for someone to help you take care of it all, look for a network administrator.

They can help you with all that stuff that would otherwise take time out of your day. Just a few of their job responsibilities can include:

  • Maintaining local area networks (LANs)
  • Maintaining wide area networks (WANs)
  • Service maintenance
  • Troubleshooting problems
  • Network security

Because network administrators can help with so many areas of your IT network, it’s important that you create a very clear job description when you hire the right candidate.

Tech Support

Tired of calling Microsoft or Apple every time you need help? Even third-party companies can be a nightmare to work with. If you no longer want to spend hours on the phone with associates asking you to turn it off and turn it back on again, hire your own tech support person.

Hiring your own tech support person is a great way to have someone available who understands your systems inside and out. They can take care of problems that arise so you don’t have to, but they can also do things throughout the year to reduce the likelihood of problems in the first place.

If you’re trying to do it all on your own, you’re wasting your time, especially when it comes to IT. Instead of trying to manage all your data, update your antivirus software, and maintain your website on your own, look for the right IT professional to help you. The five people on this list will help you get started!

Originally posted 2019-01-29 02:48:12. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

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