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Home » SEO Tips & Tricks » Marketing » What Makes a Great Website: 6 Website Trends You Should Know

What Makes a Great Website: 6 Website Trends You Should Know

Fast Fact: According to a report, there are over 1.5 billion websites live across the globe.

With so many websites, it is really challenging to stand out. So, if you are planning to create a website in 2019, you strongly need to consider what makes a great website? What should you do catch the attention of your target audience? In today’s post, we’re going to make you familiar with a few trends that can play a crucial role in the success of your website.

So, stick to the post until the end, and create a great website.


You might be shocked to know that you have less than 3 seconds to make a good impression with your potential customers. According to a survey, 40% of people abandon a website taking more than  3 seconds to load.

Although there are plenty of factors that contribute to slow loading website, one major one is bad web hosting choice.

Yes, it is true, web hosting and website speed have a deep connection. The faster your web server will be the faster your users will be able to access the requested pages. Therefore, it is important that you go for an ideal hosting provider and plan according to your website needs.

Consider hosting providers that use solid state drives in their servers. These drives are better in terms of reading and writing capacity than traditional drives. Check out their server locations and a number of data centers.

Also, compare the pricing of top hosting providers and select the plan you find ideal for your website. This page has better compared top hosting providers of the industry You may use it if you’re getting difficulty finding the right provider or plan for you.

Website loading speed is an important factor that can break or make your business. Bitcatcha and Pingdom are the two popular tools that help you analyze the speed of your website.

Mobile First Design

Over the years, designers and developers have started giving more preference to simple website designs that look equally great in mobile devices. And why not? A good design is another crucial factor what makes a great website.

In recent years, mobile searches have increased dramatically. Even Google is confirming, more searches are taking place on mobile devices than desktops..

Therefore, make sure the web design you are choosing for your website is responsive. Responsive website design is a method to make a web content fit for screens of different sizes automatically.

In short, displaying the content in a way that can be read on devices of different screen sizes. The aim is to reduce the need scrolling and zooming when browsing the web.

Video Background

Although more focus is on minimalist, quick loading web design, video background design is going to be a popular trend in 2019. Remember that, in comparison to texts and images, videos are more compelling.

You might have been seeing video trends on social media platforms over the last couple of years, this concept is coming to website design as well.

Why Should You Consider Background Video Design for Your Website?

According to a survey, 85% of people more likely to buy a product after watching a video about it. Another survey says, when you use video on landing pages can increase conversions by 80%.

There are numerous websites that have been using video background design and are popular. PayPal, The Missing Bulb, Eagle Clean, Life of PI etc. are a few to name.

High-Quality Photography

Although stock photography serves the purpose of most websites, high-quality genuine pictures have their own space when it comes to making a website successful.

If you are not investing in the copyright free high-quality images, your website may suffer in the long run. When you use pictures that include real people, it helps in generating trust among your audience which further leads to increase in sales and conversions.

According to a survey, real and relevant images enhance website conversions to a great extent.

There are numerous companies that allow you to use free stock images, but since your competitors might be using the same pictures, it will help not help you to create a website that stands out.

When you use genuine and high-quality photographs, your message reaches your audience in a more powerful way.

Exceptional Content Marketing

Over the years, content marketing has expanded. Businesses are focusing on producing high-quality content. Even from a search engine point of view, it holds great importance.

How Google’s Guidelines Define Low-Quality Pages

If we read Google’s quality rater guidelines, poor quality web pages are those pages that don’t achieve their purpose well and lack important dimension.

In 2019, the traditional email marketing campaign and newsletter will not be enough to earn new customers. On the other hand, websites having useful and quality content in different formats such as video, images, text, will get better success than those that do not meet the needs of website viewers.


What makes a great website is not the design alone, you should also consider making it easier for your users to contact you. If you might have noticed (when internet surfing) a lot of websites nowadays have little window popup at the bottom that allows you to chat with their representatives.

By adding a chat window, you can resolve the query of your visitors in no time. It can help in better conversion as well.

Final Words

Your website is your first digital impression. So make sure it is great. It must reflect everything your potential audience is looking for. In this blog, we made you familiar with a few cutting-edge website trends for 2019. Hope, it will help you create a better website.

Originally posted 2019-02-01 19:00:57. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

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