How In-House Teams Benefit from Outside Recruiting

Finding the right talent has become complicated. Discover how third-party support can help in-house recruiters.

March 16, 2023

Teams Benefit from Outside Recruiting

Finding the right talent has been crucial for recruiters across organizations. However, various factors have made this process complicated. Robyn J. Grable, founder and CEO of Talents ASCEND and Veterans ASCEND, discusses how third-party support can help in-house recruiters.

Finding talent has long been the primary task of in-house recruiters or HR professionals, but the process of finding and negotiating with talent has changed. A pandemic that shut down so many businesses and shifted so many workers’ aspirations and direction and that has driven new conversations on what talent expects from their workplace and employer has further complicated the recruiting process. 

Moreover, talent shortages have also affected HR teams, often putting more work on fewer plates, further hampering recruiting processes. Burnout and the new spotlight on HR’s critical function have forced the importance of recruiting support. 

Leveraging a third-party recruiting system provides a necessary solution for all business’s hiring needs. But it can also serve as a massive advancement in sourcing improved skills matches for open roles. By matching skills to roles, the recruiting team can bolster HRs efforts to offer jobs and job fits that reduce employee churn. 

The Value of External Recruiting Support

HR teams are facing burnout, too. With the Great Resignation and continued reshuffle of talent, in-house HR professionals are challenged to demonstrate the company’s benefits when wearing their recruiting hats. They are charged with navigating changes in internal practices and company communication, driving the new workplace. HR positions have evolved to take on these new practices and prioritize recruiting support. 

As technology evolves, it influences and changes how the hiring process works, for both better and worse. For example, technology can solve many persistent recruiting problems and give quick solutions, but sometimes with its problems. Technology has made it easier for businesses to find qualified candidates worldwide. Businesses can hire remote workers and reach out to candidates they may have overlooked due to location. With so much work flexibility, however, employees can sometimes work from a position of “desired duty” instead of “required duty,” meaning they work based on their desired career path rather than their actual job role.

As the speed of technological innovation enables how we use AI and more in recruiting platforms, an overhaul of old-fashioned applicant tracking systems (ATS) means in-house efforts may be outdated. ATS systems were changed from simply tracking applicants through the hiring process to filters because the technology could filter faster than any human. The problem now is the filter process is exclusionary to the skilled talent an organization needs. HR teams are sorting through applications when more than a quarter of them do not match the requirements. It is time to use AI technology to make recruiting easier by matching skills to find qualified candidates instead of scanning resumes of unqualified applicants.  

But adopting an outside recruiting tool should not be a monumental change as more and more businesses deploy third-party tools to assist their growth and help them scale. Everything from Trello to time entry platforms are part of any company’s platform portfolio; recruiting tools should be no different. 

See More: How To Simplify the Recruitment Process Using ATS

The Necessary Changes Third-party Support Brings to the Workforce

HR teams gain efficiency by outsourcing recruiting tasks to streamlined platforms or AI services and gain potential in better skills matching and a future-focused way of finding talent. They can quickly learn how to hire effectively for the company’s future and find exactly what they seek. Bias during the hiring process is a long-standing problem. However, it is still evident in resumes, LinkedIn and other more traditional spaces where talent-seekers are coached to participate and be present. While LinkedIn can help network, employers can view all posts, like the content, previous experience, and even who candidates are connected with. This frequently results in bias even before the interview. Additionally, the modern resume is usually a first impression. They still ask for histories and work experiences, and something as simple as not being a great storyteller can lead to a missed opportunity. 

Changing how candidates match job roles means changing what we use as inputs. AI enables that. AI provides candidates the support they need to translate their work history into a defined set of skills. Organizations can lean on AI to break down jobs by their required skills, revealing compatibility often overlooked in the traditional hiring process. Because AI learns from its work, it streamlines and grows its ability to read for these skills, making inputs and matching more accurate. 

Better Matches Mean Jobs Satisfaction and Low Churn

Matching candidates in this way create an employment pipeline that lessens churn. When employees are fit for the right job, satisfaction increases. Companies must become better at hiring to ensure this and to enable progress in other internal needs. When employers focus on underappreciated talent, they can find brilliantly qualified candidates that others may have missed due to bias. 

HR is already challenged with new employee initiatives and structures; outsourcing recruiting gives them room to improve the organization’s talent further is being hired into. They can focus on company culture, values, opportunities for growth, and other ways to create a desirable and healthy workplace. 

Eliminate Bias, Create a People-first Organization

Like any role in an organization, HR professionals have been forced to wear even more hats at an increased pace as we renegotiate what the workplace needs. Economic changes and new skills and tasks drive an employment environment that needs a new lens. Third-party recruiting services can bring a company perfectly matched talent, helping build growth, efficiency, and a culture that drives business forward.

Have you used third-party support to attract the right talent? How has it helped your recruitment efforts? Share with us on FacebookOpens a new window , TwitterOpens a new window , and LinkedInOpens a new window .

Image Source: Shutterstock


Robyn J. Grable
Robyn J. Grable is the creator, founder and CEO of Talents ASCEND and Veterans ASCEND, an AI-powered talent sourcing platform. She is a U.S. Navy veteran and human resources professional with a master’s degree in psychology. Her 25 years of human resources experience spans workforce management, human capital planning, recruitment, process and procedure evaluation, government compliance, strategic alignment and relationship management.
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