SpiceWorld 2023: Spice Up Your IT Decisions

“It’s like the Comic Con for tech professionals.”

July 14, 2023

Spiceworld 2023 Keynote Speaker
  • SpiceWorld 2023 is a three-day event scheduled to commence on September 5, 2023, and run through September 7, 2023.
  • Expect over 1,000 IT pros and tech vendors to converge in Austin, TX, during the three-day extravaganza.

This fall, add some spice to your company’s IT decision-making at SpiceWorld 2023! Spiceworks’ annual IT conference, now in its 16th year, promises value across various technology domains through quality expert insights and relevant networking opportunities with IT professionals.

SpiceWorld 2023 will feature dozens of informative, expert-driven sessions across networking, security, cloud, virtualization, automation, and software. One of the things that makes SpiceWorld stand out from the rest is the one-on-one face time with experts from many different companies and backgrounds. Whether you come from a large corporate background or a small one-person department, Spiceworld offers a wealth of knowledge and shared understanding among all IT professionals.

“SpiceWorld allows Tech Pros and Vendor representatives to come together to find solutions, fix issues, and explore new possibilities — either for the first time in person or with many years of friendship under their belt.” — Kelly M. Clarkson, long-time attendee and one of the principle promoters of the event at Spiceworks Ziff Davis.

Described as “the Comic Con for tech professionals,” SpiceWorld is returning this year as an in-person event, so expect more than 1,000 IT pros and tech vendors to converge in Austin, TX, during the three-day extravaganza.

A brilliant combination of work focus and water cooler banter, SpiceWorld has it all, not to mention a lively and fun atmosphere, complete with SpiceWorld swag, the mascot, Spicerex, and a chance to meet up with your peers, online Spiceworks community friends, or even make new ones.

Previous SpiceWorld keynote speakers include Bryan Seely, cybersecurity expert and renowned ethical hacker and Steve Wozniak, tech entrepreneur, engineer, and Apple co-founder.

If you still need convincing, listen to what Spiceworks’ head of IT has to say in this JefFAQ video:

See More: Three Key Pillars of a Successful IT Plan

When and Where Is SpiceWorld 2023?

SpiceWorld 2023 is scheduled to commence on September 5, 2023, and run through September 7, 2023. If you have previously attended SpiceWorld, expect the agenda to be similar to previous years, i.e., registration and two ticketed workshops on day one, the keynote, a full day of sessions, and the SpiceWorld party on day 2. Day 3 will be another full day of sessions followed by prize distribution and, of course, the happy hour.

SpiceWorld 2023 will be held at the Austin Convention Center.

Check out the full agenda for SpiceWorld here. SpiceWorld 2023’s keynote address will be delivered by James Stanger, chief technology evangelist at CompTIA and an expert across security analytics, open source, workforce development, and emerging technology. Stay tuned for details on this year’s breakout sessions, keynote speakers, and more. To register for SpiceWorld 2023, click here.

Have any questions about SpiceWorld? Let us know on LinkedInOpens a new window , TwitterOpens a new window , or FacebookOpens a new window . We’d love to hear from you!

Image source: Spiceworks


Sumeet Wadhwani
Sumeet Wadhwani

Asst. Editor, Spiceworks Ziff Davis

An earnest copywriter at heart, Sumeet is what you'd call a jack of all trades, rather techs. A self-proclaimed 'half-engineer', he dropped out of Computer Engineering to answer his creative calling pertaining to all things digital. He now writes what techies engineer. As a technology editor and writer for News and Feature articles on Spiceworks (formerly Toolbox), Sumeet covers a broad range of topics from cybersecurity, cloud, AI, emerging tech innovation, hardware, semiconductors, et al. Sumeet compounds his geopolitical interests with cartophilia and antiquarianism, not to mention the economics of current world affairs. He bleeds Blue for Chelsea and Team India! To share quotes or your inputs for stories, please get in touch on sumeet_wadhwani@swzd.com
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