How to Harness the Power of AI To Transform Martech Careers

Learn how generative AI is disrupting the careers of marketers.

July 24, 2023

ai transforming martech careers

From chatting with customers and creating content to measuring your marketing campaign’s performance, generative AI, with the help of automation, has become one of the most trusted tools for marketers. In the following article, we look at how generative AI transfigures marketers’ careers.

What’s familiar about all MarTech professionals? They are expected to stay on top of the ever-changing marketing technology landscape. One such recent evolution which has taken the martech landscape by storm is the introduction of Generative AI. So, one question every marketer had was, will technology replace us? Only time can reveal the answer to that. But for now, we can say that AI is transforming marketing executives’ careers. So let’s dive deep into how generative AI is changing the careers of marketing executives.

1.Content Creators

Content creation is one of the vital pillars of any marketing strategy, and so are the content creators of any marketing team. They are the ones who, using their writing and creative skills, develop and give the brand a name and its identity. However, generative AI has completely changed how content creators work. Generative AI offers numerous potential benefits, particularly in productivity and efficiency. AI-generated content can save time and resources for your marketing team.

A content creator spends much time researching to create copies that resonate with the audience. Generative AI helps content creators by collecting all the data and later analyzing it in significantly less time. This analyzed data can help the person create content according to the target audience. Besides researching and analyzing data, generative AI can help content creators write well-optimized copies for the web. A well-optimized content with adequately targeted keywords, SEO titles, meta descriptions, etc., has a higher chance of ranking in the top ten searches of Google, thus improving your content search value.

One of the challenges many content creators face is coming up with fresh/unique ideas. However, generative AI can be used to develop new and creative ideas for a company blog, newsletters copywriting, etc.

AI can help content creators by analyzing customer interests or suggesting something is already trending. All marketers have to do is pick up a keyword and provide the context about what they want to write.

It can also be used to repackage your existing content into a full campaign or translate it into different languages. For example, copywriters now take the help of generative AI for crafting ad copies. This ad copy can be later translated into other languages to increase its reach.

See More: Not Seeing Content Marketing Results? Perform a Content Audit

2.Customer Experience Specialist

If you want to improve your customer service, generative AI is the way to go. The technology plays a massive role in various ways when it comes to the customer experience department. Customers don’t like to wait for a long time. With the help of AI solutions, the problem of long waits can be solved as customer executives can simultaneously assign various tasks to AI.

One critical aspect of a CX specialist’s job is understanding the customers’ exact needs. This is where generative AI can be used resourcefully by marketers. Marketers can use AI solutions like real-time sentiment analysis to decide based on the most recent data available. One thing to remember is that AI can analyze a large number of data immediately. Hence there is no time lost, and customer interaction can be much faster, thus enhancing customer engagement.

Besides providing real-time analysis of customers, AI can help customer executives with data-driven insights. Generative AI tools can be used to track key metrics such as geo-location, customer behaviors, and customer interactions. This helps marketers personalize their marketing strategy.

While generative AI is a great tool to improve personalization, its role need not be restricted to it. Customer executives can automate chats with the help of chatbots to create precise responses when interacting with the customer. Generative AI also plays a vital role in tracking complaints. With its intelligent algorithm, AI can quickly provide solutions to customers to resolve their complaints. This saves significant time for the customer executive, who otherwise has to track all customer complaints manually.

3. Social Media Marketer

According to a recent Hubspot report, 84%Opens a new window of social media marketers say social media will become consumers’ preferred channel for customer service in 2023. Similar is the case of Generative AI, which according to a McKinsey reportOpens a new window , could add up to $4.4 trillion a year to the global economy. Therefore, marketers can’t overlook the role of generative AI concerning social media marketing. With various tools, social media managers’ job is changing drastically.

With AI’s help, social media managers can now craft pitch-perfect social media copies. The most significant benefit of using an AI-based content development strategy for social media is that it can improve the quality of the content. Personalization is crucial to building a successful content strategy. Social media managers, therefore, can optimize social media posts by analyzing social media algorithms and user behavior and determining what types of content will resonate with their target audiences.

AI-powered tools like predictive analytics and data analysis can help social media managers identify customer behavior. Social media managers, thus, by understanding customer behavior, can plan their social media strategy. They can use this data to determine the best time to share the post.

When it comes to social media, visuals, whether video content or an image post, play a crucial role in engaging customers. Social media managers can produce high-quality audio and video content and edit and improve it using AI. AI thus eliminates the need to edit audio and video files manually.

Generative AI can also help social media managers choose the right hashtag and posting times that align with their audience’s social media activity. With the help of chatbots, generative AI can improve customer engagement by providing automated responses to messages. This saves time for your social media team, who can reply faster to frequently asked questions freeing their bandwidth.

Unlearn To Learn 

Generative AI has been the buzzword of the year 2023 which has transformed the way marketers work. However, change always comes with its own challenges, and generative AI is no different. Though generative AI has shown immense potential, one must remember that human intervention is a must, especially when it comes to contextual understanding. So as a marketer, one will have to keep up-skilling themselves.

Here are a few skills marketers will have to work on to make the most of the use of generative AI. 

  • Ethical usage of AI
  • A better understanding of data security
  • Handling AI biases and fairness
  • Data segregation

Which other marketing careers do you think Generative AI will impact? Share with us on FacebookOpens a new window , TwitterOpens a new window , and LinkedIn Opens a new window . We’d love to hear from you!

Image source: Shutterstock


Ameya Dusane
Ameya Dusane

Assistant Manager Content Operations, Spiceworks Ziff Davis

An accomplished media professional able to produce high-quality content in multiple formats, including blogs, podcasts, and videos. In addition, I have worked closely with external PR teams in order to establish a strong media presence for media houses.
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