Fictional Flying Is the Best Way to Visit Family Right Now and This Animal Crossing Mug Says It All

Animal Crossing Nook Miles Mug | $17 | Amazon
Animal Crossing Nook Miles Mug | $17 | Amazon
Graphic: Sheilah Villari

Animal Crossing Nook Miles Mug | $17 | Amazon

So it might be a smidge too late to send a Christmas gift but even a belated one is still welcome. If like me you’re staying home this year and not traveling to see your family it can be a bit of a bummer but hey we’re doing the right thing. If Animal Crossing became your solace to deal with 2020 you’re not alone. This adorable mug sums up my sentiment for the holiday season and is a great little gift for anyone you wish you could actually visit. One day soon you’ll be able to water plants in person with your beloved but until then dream of high turnip prices and hop on Dodo Airline to hang with them.

This mug will ship for free and arrive next week.