This Video Shows You How to Make Brilliant Fluorescent Lightsabers for Your Star Wars Action Figures

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Screenshot: Adam Savage’s Tested/Julie Muncy

2020 seems like a good year to take up new hobbies. Let’s take that nice, collectible action figure collection you might have. Why not make it a bit more impressive?

That’s the goal of a video recently released by the people at Adam Savage’s Tested (not Adam, today, but Norman Chan does a fantastic job here), who recently made a video about turning a fluorescent tube into a really cool, very bright lightsaber for your action figures. Because, honestly, Hot Toys is great, but those lightsabers aren’t exactly the highlight of the ensemble. Even the ones that light up don’t exactly do a great job of it. It’s supposed to be a lightsaber, not a... uhh... dimsaber.

This video goes through the entire process and answers the obvious questions, like, “Where do I get a fluorescent tube?” and “Okay, I’ve got my tube, how do I make it look so rad?” It doesn’t tell you where to get all the nice tools Chan uses here, but that’s where having a friend who’s really into DIY-ing stuff comes in handy. Just put on a mask, grab some of their tools, and get to work on making the coolest action figure accessories anyone’s ever seen.


What’s really great with these fluorescent tubes, as you can see in the video and also in the header image, is just how well they photograph. They really make it easy to show off your collection in a way that feels, well, legitimately impressive. Which isn’t the normal vibe you expect to get from action figures. And with a bit of work and framing, you can even hide the wires entirely. Wires? No, no, these are just lightsabers. You know how it is.


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