Umbrella Academy Season 2 is Coming Soon, Why Not Read Some Umbrella Academy Comics While You Wait?

Dark Horse Umbrella Academy Sale | ComiXology
Dark Horse Umbrella Academy Sale | ComiXology
Graphic: Elizabeth Henges

Dark Horse Umbrella Academy Sale | ComiXology

Hey! Umbrella Academy Season 2 will be on Netflix at the end of the month. Neat! That’s still almost three weeks away, though, so what will you do in the meantime? ComiXology has the answer with a sale on the Umbrella Academy comics! Perfect timing, eh?

This sale includes three volumes that gather up Umbrella Academy’s three major series, as well as the individual issues if you’re just missing some of the stuff. For those new to the series, it’s just $6 a volume, so for a grand total of $18 you can read the entire comic series while you wait for the next season. Not bad!

This sale lasts until July 27th, but you’ll want to get started on those comics now, so pick them up sooner rather than later!