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Home » IT & Tech Blogs » Information Technology » IT Security » Top 5 Tips to Improve Your Linux Desktop Security 2023, 2024

Top 5 Tips to Improve Your Linux Desktop Security 2023, 2024

Having Linux as your operating system is one of the better decisions you can make concerning your computer’s security. Having this OS on your desktop allows you to relax a little bit when it comes to many forms of security breaches, which would probably inflict serious damage to less security-oriented systems.

However, many Linux users make the same mistake of believing that it’s enough just to have it on your computer, learn basic commands and only that fact will make all threats simply disappear when unfortunately the reality is quite different.  Even though Linux prides on protecting its clients more than its other competitors do, it is still susceptible to security issues if you’re not careful. This is why we decided to talk about 5 tips to improve your Linux desktop security in 2022 that are easy to follow and will give great results.

Use Linux Firewall

Unless you’re really in the know when it comes to Linux, you’re probably not informed that Linux has got a firewall and a good one at that. Putting a strong firewall on an already safe OS tells you a lot about how even Linux takes extra precautions to keep you safe. However, by default the firewall is disabled, so if you do want to use it, you’ll have to do it yourself. Thankfully, it’s not very hard to do, all you need to do is find the component tables and enable it to work as your firewall and you’re set. This firewall is very effective and will meticulously take care of all network traffic and alarm you if something dangerous comes your way. Using a Linux firewall is a great way to be absolutely sure that any threat simply bounces off of it as long as you have the firewall protecting you at all times.

Encrypt Your Hard-Disk

Encryption of your hard-drive will take a bit more time than it would simple encryption of your home folder, but the benefits are manifold. When you protect your entire hard-disk, there is much less risk that anyone unauthorized will be able to gain any access to your sensitive information. This is an all-encompassing way to secure all the vital data that cybercriminals might try to use against you. Once you set up your encryption, you’ll get an FDE password that will allow you to access your files whenever necessary. To anyone else trying to pry around, access will be completely denied.

Updates Remain Important

Linux will definitely make you feel safer in every way, but it can only do so much without you actively doing your part. Operating system updates are one of the building blocks of your desktop’s security, which is why you need to tend to it regularly and make sure that everything is running smoothly. If you feel like it’s too much to keep up with, you can set up automatic updates and not worry about it anymore. Keeping your apps up to date is another important note, especially apps that you use frequently. If you don’t update them, hackers might use them as an opportunity to get unnoticed into your system and nothing good can come from that.

Think About Security Software

You will probably hear and often that you don’t really need antivirus software on your already secure Linux system, but we beg to differ. Yes, it’s true that you get a lot more than average protection when you use this OS, but that doesn’t mean you should just leave everything else to chance. Even the best systems can be breached and if that happens, you need a plan B, and security software is the best kind of backup you can have. If you’re really set to do your best for both your internet security and privacy, use a VPN to make sure that no one can keep track of your internet activities and to avoid surveillance. By using a VPN, you cover every possible aspect of your internet security there is and your desktop becomes a security fortress.

Make Disk Partitions

Whatever OS you have, having separate disk partitions is just common sense and pretty much lesson 101 on computer security. Our advice is to separate partitions as soon as you get your new desktop computer and decide which partitions will be for what. That way you kill two birds with one stone – everything on your computer will be neatly organized and if a virus-infected program gets on your device, it will be easier to isolate the threat and deal with it locally, on one partition.

Linux does require much less assistance on your behalf to keep everything up and running securely, but you should still know how to make your good circumstances even more optimal. Just because you’ve got a more secure system doesn’t mean that you should let your guard down and these five tips will help you in doing what’s best for your desktop in 2023, 2024. – Thomas Milva

About Author: Even though Thomas has been working in information security for four years, he knows he’s still got a lot to learn. He is 28 and at the present living in Baton Rouge, mainly working from home, which is why he loves to be in the nature whenever the opportunity arises.

Originally posted 2019-10-05 19:28:31. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

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