Your end-user is the most important part of your product’s development. Their satisfaction is the blood that runs through the veins of your product. A good product takes this in its stride, while a struggling product continues to decline. However, this begs the question on every product manager’s mind: “How do I tell if what I'm hearing from a customer is a need or 'just' a want?”
Storytelling is a way to keep everyone focused on the customer and their needs. This doesn't just apply when you're selling. Storytelling is critical for turning data into meaning - your data (hopefully) helps you tell a story, that you can use for influence, persuasion, or simply decision-making.
In this session, Nils Davis will provide a very simple model of what makes a great story - and you will be surprised how powerful this model is! He will walk you through:
- Finding the problem worth solving
- The difficult journey to a solution
- Discovering a transformational result
He will also talk about the importance of stories, even if you're selling something boring (Hint: It's not boring to *someone*).
And in case you were wondering - yes, this story structure is so powerful that it even gives you a way to answer that pesky question from earlier.
February 25, 2021 at 11:00 am PST, 2:00 pm EST, 7:00 pm GMT
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