Google Accounts Compromised by Hackers Without the Need for Passwords

The development came soon after Google made the switch from passwords to passkeys.

January 9, 2024

Google Search
  • Security researchers have discovered a method of hacking that allows cybercriminals to access Google accounts without having login credentials.
  • Google accounts are potentially vulnerable through authentication cookies, circumventing two-factor authentication.

Researchers from CloudSEK have discovered a new hack where cybercriminals use a type of malware to access Google accounts without ever needing passwords during the process. According to the research, the malware exploits third-party cookies to access private data from compromised accounts.

CloudSEK first detected the threat in October 2023 on a Telegram channel advertised by a threat actor called PRISMA. The problem is rooted in a major vulnerability arising from the cookie generation process. During an attack, hackers use session persistence practices that allow their sessions to remain valid despite changes in credentials.

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The researchers have stated that hackers can gain continuous access to Google accounts by generating persistent Google cookies. Accounts remain compromised even if the passwords are changed later on.

As of now, Google has yet to come up with a complete solution to the vulnerability. Security researchers have recommended that users who suspect their accounts are hacked should log out of all devices and browsers completely for now.

The development is expected to highlight the growing global debate on the effectiveness of passwords and associated tools. Google itself has already started its shift from passwords to passkeys.

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Image source: Shutterstock


Anuj Mudaliar
Anuj Mudaliar is a content development professional with a keen interest in emerging technologies, particularly advances in AI. As a tech editor for Spiceworks, Anuj covers many topics, including cloud, cybersecurity, emerging tech innovation, AI, and hardware. When not at work, he spends his time outdoors - trekking, camping, and stargazing. He is also interested in cooking and experiencing cuisine from around the world.
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