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How to Brand Your Website

Building a brand online is an important part of business development and could potentially propel your business to the heights of success. This is especially true if your business is primarily concerned with online sales and services.

Without a distinct brand, you may be just another service provider lost among the hundreds of similar websites. It is important for the success of your business to create a brand that stands out among the crowd and creating an effective web page might be the first step towards it.

Building a brand online is an important part of business development and could potentially propel your business to the heights of success. This is especially true if your business is primarily concerned with online sales and services. Without a distinct brand, you may be just another service provider lost among the hundreds of similar websites. It is important for the success of your business to create a brand that stands out among the crowd and creating an effective web page might be the first step towards it.

Things to take care of while building a brand online

The internet levels the playing field and offers equal chance for both small and big enterprises to expand their business and create a distinct impression upon the customers. However, not having the proper knowledge on online branding might affect your business negatively. A poorly planned and executed branding campaign can have disastrous result. With that in mind, take a look at some of the most important tips that can be used to build a strong brand image online.

Your brand is a reflection of your business and the products you create.  Think hard about your logo and a catchy name for your business.  Give it some meaning, something others will remember.  Find a good logo maker to start off your design.

Set your brand apart from the rest.  Whether it be your graphics or the high quality material or printing in your shirts, give your products traits that set you apart and give you something to brag about.

Add credible customer testimonials

Gathering and sharing client testimonial is perhaps the biggest way to improve your credibility and build a brand that is trusted by the customers. After all, a credible testimonial is a strong proof that your products and services have been tested and provided satisfaction to several customers.

Use the press and publications wisely

If you are featured in any press and publication, you should promote the link to your visitors. Press mention is a strong third-party recommendation and projects the image of a trustworthy organization. The news articles and press releases can be put under ‘Press and Publications’ section of your website.

Flaunt your awards and recognitions

If your organization and products have been awarded, you have display it in prominent position in your website. There are different widgets that can be placed on strategic locations. These accomplishments will further the credibility of your organization.

Invest in a web designer

A professionally designed website with appropriate images and posts can add significant value to your brand. An experienced web development professional after taking input about your requirements, will translate it into a website that reflects where you stand as a brand.

Most of the small scale business owners think they cannot afford to hire a competent web designer to do their designing gig. But there are a lot of different ways that could get you affordable web development service providers.  Freelancers, college students and crowd sourcing websites might be some of the less expensive way to get a web designer.

Display the social following stats

Consult your website developers and ask them to display your social following stats. A significant social following stat will increase your brand value and website authority. Even you have low number of followers, sharing it openly will let your visitors know that you are transparent as an organization.

Website branding is all about creating a certain kind of impression about your organization and the products you offer. When you combine the knowledge of what you want with the technical expertise of web development experts, you are all set for the perfect branding exercise that will see your business generate exponential revenues.


Originally posted 2016-10-24 18:55:02. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

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  1. Newsletters are great to keep your followers engaged and willing to share your brand.

  2. Freemium model, get your brand used widespread.

  3. Make it free and promote on social networks.

  4. Using facebook and google ads are also a great way to brand.

  5. Testimonials are a big part of branding.

  6. Great tips! Good graphic designer is and front end developer is definitely key!

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