What Is WebAssembly (Wasm)? Working, Uses, and Importance

WebAssembly is a portable binary format for fast, secure, and efficient code execution in web environments.

November 24, 2023

Vector 3D illustration with coding symbols and programming windows
  • WebAssembly (Wasm) is defined as a low-level binary instruction format designed to be a safe, fast, and platform-independent runtime for high-level languages on the web.
  • It allows developers to run code written in languages like C, C++, Rust, and others on web browsers at near-native speeds.
  • This article delves into the fundamentals of Wasm, its features, uses, and importance in the digitally interconnected era.

What Is WebAssembly (Wasm)?

WebAssembly (Wasm) is a low-level binary instruction format designed to be a safe, fast, and platform-independent runtime for high-level languages on the web. It allows developers to run code written in languages like C, C++, Rust, and others on web browsers at near-native speeds. Wasm’s history is marked by its evolution from an idea to a fully supported technology transforming the web development landscape.

Evolution of WebAssembly

  1. Origins and collaboration (20152017): The idea of Wasm emerged in 2015 as a collaborative effort between major browser vendors such as Mozilla, Google, Microsoft, and Apple. The goal was to create a new binary format that would enable web browsers to execute code faster and more efficiently than JavaScript, the predominant language of the web at the time. The project aimed to address performance limitations and enable complex applications like games and multimedia to run smoothly on the web.
  2. Prototype and first release (20162017): Wasm’s initial prototype was demonstrated in 2016, showcasing its ability to run in web browsers. By March 2017, all major browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari, had implemented support for the first version of Wasm, marking its official release. This rapid adoption ensured compatibility across various browsers and platforms, making Wasm a cross-platform solution.
  3. Expansion beyond the browser (20182019): Wasm’s early success in browsers encouraged its exploration beyond traditional web use cases. Mozilla introduced the WebAssembly System Interface (WASI) in 2018. WASI provided a standardized system interface for Wasm, enabling it to interact with the underlying operating system in a secure and platform-independent manner. This move began Wasm’s journey into server-side applications, edge computing, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices.
  4. Growing ecosystem (2019Present): As Wasm gained traction, its ecosystem expanded rapidly. A multitude of tools, libraries, and frameworks emerged to support Wasm development, making it more accessible and developer-friendly. Projects like wasm-bindgen and Emscripten allowed seamless integration between Wasm and JavaScript, enabling developers to leverage the best of both worlds in their applications.

Over time, the support for programming languages compatible with Wasm has grown. Initially, C, C++, and Rust were the most common languages used, but Wasm now supports many languages, including Go, Python, Java, and more. Additionally, advancements in Wasm runtimes and WASI have expanded its use cases and performance capabilities.

How does WebAssembly work?

Wasm works by providing a low-level virtual machine that compiles high-level languages into a compact binary format. This binary format can be executed efficiently and securely on web browsers and other compatible environments. Here’s how Wasm works step by step:

  1. Compilation: Developers write their code in a high-level language like C or Rust and use a WebAssembly-compatible compiler (e.g., Emscripten) to convert it into Wasm bytecode. This bytecode is a compact and efficient representation of the original code.
  2. Loading and execution: When a web page containing Wasm code is loaded, the browser fetches the compiled Wasm module. The browser’s Wasm engine then takes this module and translates its bytecode into machine code, which can be executed directly by the underlying system.
  3. Just-in-Time (JIT) compilation: Wasm code is typically compiled just-in-time (JIT) when it is needed for execution. This JIT compilation ensures that the code is optimized for the specific device and platform on which it is running, resulting in near-native performance. JIT makes the application ideal for resource-demanding tasks, such as gaming or multimedia applications.
How WebAssembly Works

How WebAssembly Works

Source: XenonStackOpens a new window

Examples of WebAssembly

To better understand the capabilities of Wasm, here are some examples that highlight its performance and versatility.

Example 1: High-performance computing

Wasm is particularly well-suited for tasks requiring substantial computational resources, making it an excellent choice for scientific simulations and other mathematical calculations. Consider a simple example of calculating the factorial of a number using JavaScript and Wasm.

JavaScript Code:

function factorialJS(n) {

  if (n <= 1) return 1;

  return n * factorialJS(n – 1);


console.log(factorialJS(5)); // Output: 120

Equivalent WebAssembly Code (in C):

int factorialWASM(int n) {

  if (n <= 1) return 1;

  return n * factorialWASM(n – 1);


In this example, both the JavaScript and Wasm implementations calculate the factorial of 5. However, the Wasm version performs significantly faster, especially for larger numbers, due to its lower-level nature and direct access to hardware.

Example 2: Web games

Wasm has opened up new possibilities for web game development, enabling developers to create sophisticated games with near-native performance. Here is a simple game example using JavaScript and Wasm.

JavaScript Code:

function movePlayerJS(x, y) {

  // Perform player movement logic in JavaScript

  // …


function handleInputJS(input) {

  // Handle user input in JavaScript

  // …



Equivalent WebAssembly Code (in Rust):


pub extern “C” fn move_player_wasm(x: i32, y: i32) {

  // Perform player movement logic in WebAssembly

  // …



pub extern “C” fn handle_input_wasm(input: i32) {

  // Handle user input in WebAssembly

  // …


In this example, the JavaScript version handles player movement and user input, while the Wasm version performs the same tasks. By offloading some computations to Wasm, game developers can achieve smoother gameplay and more responsive interactions.

Example 3: Video and image processing

Wasm’s speed and efficiency make it an excellent choice for multimedia processing tasks, such as video and image manipulation. Consider a simple example of grayscale conversion using JavaScript and Wasm.

JavaScript Code:

function grayscaleJS(imageData) {

  for (let i = 0; i < imageData.data.length; i += 4) {

const avg = (imageData.data[i] + imageData.data[i + 1] + imageData.data[i + 2]) / 3;

imageData.data[i] = imageData.data[i + 1] = imageData.data[i + 2] = avg;


  return imageData;


// Usage: grayscaleJS(imageData);


Equivalent WebAssembly Code (in C):

void grayscaleWASM(uint8_t* imageData, int length) {

  for (int i = 0; i < length; i += 4) {

uint8_t avg = (imageData[i] + imageData[i + 1] + imageData[i + 2]) / 3;

imageData[i] = imageData[i + 1] = imageData[i + 2] = avg;



In this example, both the JavaScript and Wasm versions convert an image’s pixel data to grayscale. However, the Wasm version operates more efficiently, making it suitable for real-time image-processing tasks in web-based applications.

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Key Features of WebAssembly

In its early development phase, Wasm is still considered a prototype rather than a fully matured production technology, with ongoing efforts to refine its toolkit and implementation. Nevertheless, the stewards of Wasm are actively involved in various initiatives to enhance its utility and extend its functionalities.

Here are the key features of Wasm in detail:

1. Garbage collection primitives

Wasm lacks direct support for languages such as Lua or Python that utilize garbage-collected memory models. To enable compatibility with these languages, certain features may need to be restricted or the entire runtime embedded as a Wasm executable. However, efforts are underway to overcome this limitation and ensure that garbage-collected memory models can be effectively supported regardless of the language or implementation used.

2. Threading

In the context of Wasm, threading refers to the ability of a program to execute multiple tasks concurrently. Threads are like separate paths of execution within a program that can run simultaneously, allowing different parts of the program to work independently. This is particularly useful for computationally intensive tasks or applications that need to perform multiple operations simultaneously to improve performance and responsiveness.

In languages such as Rust and C++, threading is a common feature developers can use to write multithreaded applications. However, Wasm, in its early stages, does not natively support threading. Hence, certain types of software that heavily rely on multithreading may not be directly compatible with Wasm.

To overcome this limitation, efforts are ongoing to introduce threading support in Wasm. This would enable developers to write more complex and efficient applications that can take advantage of the benefits of concurrent execution. With threading, Wasm can become even more powerful and versatile, opening up new possibilities for developers to create high-performance applications for various use cases.

3. Security

Wasm is a binary format used to execute code on the web, but it comes with security challenges, especially when running untrusted code in web browsers. To improve security, Wasm uses sandboxing to isolate code from the main web page, preventing attacks like cross-site scripting (XSS) and request forgery. It also incorporates memory safety features to prevent common vulnerabilities like buffer overflows, and code validation ensures only trusted code runs.

Despite these security measures, developers must remain cautious. They should verify the origin of the code, avoid using unsafe APIs, and keep their code and libraries up to date to address potential security vulnerabilities. While Wasm offers better security than traditional web development, it is not entirely risk-free. Awareness of these risks and implementing appropriate security measures is essential to safeguard users and applications.

4. Compact binary format

Wasm uses a compact binary format (.wasm), which is highly efficient in size and load times. The binary format is smaller than equivalent JavaScript code, resulting in faster downloads and reduced latency for web applications.

The compact binary format is essential to improve the overall performance of web applications, especially in regions with limited internet connectivity or on devices with limited resources.

5. Seamless integration with JavaScript

Wasm can seamlessly interact with JavaScript, allowing developers to combine the strengths of both languages in their web applications. This feature is essential to transitioning existing JavaScript projects to Wasm or integrating Wasm into existing web applications without starting from scratch.

The integration is achieved through a well-defined WebAssembly JavaScript API, which enables functions to be called between JavaScript and Wasm modules. This level of interoperability allows developers to use the right language for specific tasks, optimizing performance and development workflow.

6. Bulk memory operations and SIMD (single instruction, multiple data)

In technical terms, Wasm looks to incorporate bulk memory operations and SIMD parallelism to enhance its capabilities. These features are crucial for applications that handle large volumes of data and require efficient native CPU acceleration to avoid performance bottlenecks, particularly in machine learning and scientific applications.

To achieve this, proposals are being considered to introduce new operators in Wasm that would enable support for bulk memory operations and SIMD parallelism. This could empower developers to optimize the performance of data-intensive tasks within the wasm environment.

7. Support for multiple languages

WebAssembly is not tied to any particular programming language. It is designed as a language-agnostic target, which means developers can use various high-level languages to write their code and then compile it into Wasm.

This flexibility enables developers to choose the most appropriate language for their specific use case, leveraging existing libraries and ecosystems from their preferred language.

8. Growing ecosystem

The 2023 NTT Edge Advantage Report found that almost 70% of enterprises are rapidly adopting edge computing to gain a competitive advantage, utilizing it to address essential business challenges. Presently, Wasm has also made its way into the edge computing domain, facilitated by the support of the WASI interface.

Moreover, Wasm is also entering the cloud space. For instance, in cloud-native Wasm, you can use Wasm in cloud-native environments. Here, applications are built and deployed as microservices in containers and dynamically orchestrated by container management systems like Kubernetes. This approach leverages the unique features of Wasm to enhance cloud-native development and deployment workflows.

Two well-known cloud examples are:

  • wasmtime: Developed by the Bytecode Alliance, wasmtime is specifically designed to run on servers and in cloud environments.
  • WasmEdge: Supported by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), WasmEdge has a particular emphasis on edge devices and their requirements.

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Uses of WebAssembly

Wasm has a wide range of applications thanks to its ability to run high-level languages efficiently on web browsers and other environments. Here are some of the key uses of Wasm:

1. High-performance web applications

One of the primary uses of Wasm is to build high-performance web applications that require extensive resources, such as complex calculations, simulations, data processing, and real-time rendering of 2D/3D graphics. By compiling code written in high-level languages like C, C++, or Rust to Wasm, developers can achieve near-native performance, allowing their web applications to handle complex tasks efficiently.

The technical advantage of Wasm in this context lies in its low-level nature, which enables direct interaction with hardware, efficient memory access, and optimal use of CPU resources. Wasm’s compact binary format also contributes to faster load times and reduced latency, enhancing the overall user experience.

2. Cross-platform mobile applications

Wasm can be used in mobile app development to create cross-platform applications that deliver near-native performance. With the rise of progressive web apps (PWAs) and hybrid app development frameworks, Wasm allows developers to build mobile apps using high-level languages and then compile them into Wasm to run on mobile browsers.

The technical benefit here is that developers can seamlessly reuse existing codebases and integrate them into the web application. This approach reduces development time and ensures consistent performance across different platforms and devices.

3. Server-side applications

Beyond the client-side, Wasm has applications in server-side programming as well. Developers can use Wasm to offload resource-intensive tasks from the server to client browsers, reducing the server load and improving overall application responsiveness.

In this scenario, Wasm’s performance advantage becomes evident, as it can execute complex computations efficiently on the client side, reducing the need for server resources. This can lead to cost savings and improved scalability for server-side applications.

4. Web games and virtual reality (VR) experiences

Wasm has opened up new possibilities for web game development, allowing developers to build sophisticated and visually appealing games that run smoothly on web browsers. By leveraging the performance advantages of Wasm, game developers can create immersive web games and VR experiences that were previously only achievable through native applications.

Wasm’s ability to interact with WebGL (Web Graphics Library) and other low-level APIs further enhances its suitability for graphics-intensive tasks, making it an attractive gaming and VR development option.

5. Multimedia processing

Wasm is well-suited for multimedia processing tasks, such as audio and video manipulation, image processing, and real-time media streaming. Developers can leverage Wasm to optimize performance for tasks like video transcoding, image filters, and real-time audio processing, providing a smoother user experience for media-intensive applications.

The technical advantage of using Wasm in multimedia processing lies in its low-level nature. It allows direct access to memory and efficient processing of large datasets without the performance overhead associated with interpreted languages like JavaScript.

6. Blockchain and cryptography

Wasm has applications in blockchain and cryptography due to its performance and security features. It can be used to implement computationally intensive blockchain smart contracts and cryptographic algorithms more efficiently and securely than traditional JavaScript.

Wasm’s sandboxed execution environment and memory isolation also provide an additional layer of security, making it a suitable choice for handling sensitive data and cryptographic operations.

7. Scientific simulations and data visualization

Wasm’s ability to handle complex mathematical calculations efficiently makes it an excellent fit for scientific simulations and data visualization tasks. Researchers and data scientists can use Wasm to build web-based tools and applications for data analysis, simulations, and interactive data visualization, enabling users to explore and understand complex datasets easily.

The technical advantage here lies in Wasm’s performance optimization for mathematical computations, making it a robust platform for handling large datasets and complex simulations.

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Importance of WebAssembly

Wasm holds significant importance in the world of web development and beyond. Let’s explore it in detail:

importance of webassembly

Importance of WebAssembly

1. Platform independence

Wasm’s platform independence is a critical factor in its importance. It runs on a virtual machine implemented across different platforms and devices, making it compatible with various operating systems and web browsers. This feature ensures that Wasm applications work consistently and seamlessly across different devices, allowing developers to target a broader audience.

Wasm’s platform independence eliminates the need for developers to create separate builds for different platforms, reducing development time and effort while increasing the reach of their applications.

2. Code reusability

Wasm’s importance is further amplified by its ability to interact with JavaScript seamlessly. This allows developers to reuse existing JavaScript code and libraries within Wasm projects and vice versa. As a result, developers can leverage their existing codebase and ecosystems, facilitating smoother integration and transition to Wasm.

The ability to reuse code not only speeds up development but also encourages the adoption of Wasm in existing projects, making it a practical choice for incrementally enhancing web application performance.

3. Improved user experience

Wasm’s performance benefits translate directly into an improved user experience. Web applications built with WebAssembly load faster, respond more quickly to user interactions and deliver smoother animations and transitions.

The improved user experience is crucial to retaining users and encouraging longer engagement with web applications. Faster load times and better responsiveness increase user satisfaction and drive user retention and conversion rates.

4. Versatility

Wasm’s versatility allows its use in various applications beyond traditional web development. Its adoption has expanded into areas such as blockchain, cloud computing, serverless computing, IoT, gaming, and more.

5. Standardization and industry support

Wasm is designed to be a standardized binary format, ensuring compatibility across different platforms and environments. It is supported by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), a leading international standards organization for the web. The standardization process ensures that Wasm behaves consistently across various browsers and platforms, making it a reliable technology for developers.

Wasm has garnered substantial support from major technology companies, including Google, Microsoft, Mozilla, and Apple. This broad backing from industry leaders has accelerated its adoption and integration into web browsers and other platforms.

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The future of WebAssembly holds great potential, and it is expected to evolve into a cornerstone of web development. As browser support and tooling mature, Wasm will become increasingly mainstream, leading to broader adoption across industries. Its performance advantages will enable developers to build sophisticated web applications with near-native speeds, blurring the line between web and native software.

Additionally, advancements like WebAssembly Interface Types (WIT) and multithreading support will enhance interoperability and enable more complex applications. As the ecosystem grows, Wasm will extend its reach beyond the web, integrating with other technologies like server-side environments, cloud computing, and IoT.

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Vijay Kanade
Vijay A. Kanade is a computer science graduate with 7+ years of corporate experience in Intellectual Property Research. He is an academician with research interest in multiple research domains. His research work spans from Computer Science, AI, Bio-inspired Algorithms to Neuroscience, Biophysics, Biology, Biochemistry, Theoretical Physics, Electronics, Telecommunication, Bioacoustics, Wireless Technology, Biomedicine, etc. He has published about 30+ research papers in Springer, ACM, IEEE & many other Scopus indexed International Journals & Conferences. Through his research work, he has represented India at top Universities like Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, USA), University of California (Santa Barbara, California), National University of Singapore (Singapore), Cambridge University (Cambridge, UK). In addition to this, he is currently serving as an 'IEEE Reviewer' for the IEEE Internet of Things (IoT) Journal.
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