Scott's Weblog The weblog of an IT pro focusing on cloud computing, Kubernetes, Linux, containers, and networking

IDF 2012 Day 2 Summary and Thoughts

Now that day 2 of Intel Developer Forum (IDF) 2012 is behind me, here’s a quick summary of the day. Most of today was taken up by meetings; some of these were meetings with various Intel folk to get my feedback on the event, others were meetings that I’m not at liberty to discuss. (Sorry folks!) I did, however, manage to capture a couple of sessions:

DATS002: Big Data Meets High-Performance Computing

CLDS006: Exploring New Intel Xeon Processor E5 Based Platform Optimizations for 10 Gb Ethernet Network Infrastructures

That second session, in particular, was a really good session. If you ever get the chance to listen to Brian Johnson from Intel speak on 10 Gigabit Ethernet design in virtualized environments, you are in for a treat. The guy knows his stuff, no question about it. I would have loved for that session to run two hours so that Brian could have gone into even more detail about some of the intricacies that go into properly architecting a 10 Gb Ethernet environment for vSphere.

<aside>For example, did you know that some servers have PCIe slots that have x8 connectors, but are only wired for x4 lanes? If you don’t understand why that’s important, then you really need to sit in one of Brian’s sessions!</aside>

Brian shared a bunch of information with me during VMworld a couple of weeks ago, and I’m still processing that along with the information he shared today in his session. I hope to be able to break it all down into digestible chunks and post more information here in the near future.

So, aside from meeting Robert Scoble at Starbucks this morning, that’s it for my day 2 summary. Feel free to post any thoughts or questions in the comments below.

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