Scott's Weblog The weblog of an IT pro focusing on cloud computing, Kubernetes, Linux, containers, and networking

Technology Short Take 163

Welcome to Technology Short Take #163, the first of 2023! If you’re new to this site, the Technology Short Takes are essentially “link lists”—I collect links and articles about various technologies and I share them about every 3-4 weeks (sometimes more frequently). I’ll often add a bit of commentary here and there, but the real focus is the information in the linked articles. But enough of this, let’s get on with it! Here’s hoping you find something useful here.



  • Back during the AWS re:Invent 2022 timeframe, I came across this newsletter focused on AWS custom chips (Graviton, Trainium, Inferencia). If staying up-to-date with this topic is important for your role, then subscribing is probably a good idea. (I did.)
  • I enjoyed this story on the mass extinction of UNIX workstations and the trials and travails of trying to run your own UNIX workstation.


  • This could be bad—a wormable vulnerability that could allow attackers to remotely execute code by exploiting potentially any Windows application protocol that provides authentication, including (potentially) SMTP or HTTP. Ouch. Get more details in this article.
  • Nigel Douglas shows how to mitigate DoS (Denial of Service) attacks in Kubernetes. The article title led me to believe that both Falco and Calico would be used; although they are both discussed (Falco for detection and Calico for prevention), the bulk of the work falls to Calico.
  • Now that a fix has been supplied, Microsoft publicly discusses Achilles, a vulnerability they discovered in the macOS Gatekeeper security mechanism.
  • Let’s hope this doesn’t turn out to be a significant issue for folks.

Cloud Computing/Cloud Management

Operating Systems/Applications


Career/Soft Skills

That’s all for now! As always, I love to hear from readers, so please feel free to engage with me through a variety of channels: you can engage with me on Twitter, I’m also on Mastodon (via the excellent Fosstodon instance), and you can find me in a variety of Slack communities (the Kubernetes and Pulumi communities are great examples). Thanks for reading!

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