Tom Baker and David Tennant Will Team Up for a New Doctor Who Adventure

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Four and Ten, together...again?
Four and Ten, together...again?
Image: Big Finish

The crossover of a Doctor Who lifetime is finally, properly happening, thanks to our Time Lord’s enduring audio adventures.

Hot off the heels of its announcement of a range reshuffling in the coming years, Big Finish has announced Out of Time, a new series that will pair up incarnations of the Doctor as they battle iconic enemies from across Doctor Who’s history together. And what better way to kick the series off than a full-cast audio drama that will see Tom Baker and David Tennant’s Fourth and Tenth Doctors team up to battle the Daleks?


It’s basically the exact sort of fandom wish-fulfillment you could only dream of until Big Finish actually got Tennant and Baker back recording their own series of adventures in Time and Space. Now, they just get to actually do it.


The first story released as part of Out of Time sees the two Doctors teaming up to stop the Daleks from controlling one of the most sacred places in the universe—well, out of it. Existing outside of time itself, the Cathedral of Contemplation offers sanctuary and succor across the timelines to those who need it, and while that does indeed sound like the exact sort of thing the Daleks would hate, the reason they’re going after it this time is that it’s the Doctor who’s paying a visit to the Cathedral, seeking a chance to get some perspective as his own life marches toward destiny.

Image for article titled Tom Baker and David Tennant Will Team Up for a New Doctor Who Adventure
Image: Big Finish

Problem is, the Doctor was already at the Cathedral in an earlier life (it’s almost like avoiding their problems any way they can is a running theme among Doctors!). So his latest visit shatters the barriers between dimensions, not just allowing the Doctor’s past and present to intertwine, but the Daleks themselves to ride the breach and attempt to exterminate them both.

The first in a trilogy of team-ups, Out of Time is set to begin in August 2020 and is available to preorder now as either a standalone box set or as a preorder of the complete collection on Big Finish’s website. Due to the ongoing novel coronavirus pandemic, the story is available to preorder either digitally for £9, or £11 for a bundle of both a digital copy and a collector’s edition CD that will be released at a later date.


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