Scott's Weblog The weblog of an IT pro focusing on cloud computing, Kubernetes, Linux, containers, and networking

Technology Short Take 143

Welcome to Technology Short Take #143! I have what I think is an interesting list of links to share with you this time around. Since taking my new job at Kong, I’ve been spending more time with Envoy, so you’ll see some Envoy-related content showing up in this Technology Short Take. I hope this collection of links has something useful for you!




  • I saw this blog post about Curiefense, an open source Envoy extension to add WAF (web application firewall) functionality to Envoy.
  • This post on using SPIFFE/SPIRE, Kubernetes, and Envoy together shows how to implement mutual TLS (mTLS) for a simple application. As a learning resource, I thought this post was helpful. However, I wouldn’t recommend trying to cobble together something like this for a production environment. If you need mTLS in production, use a service mesh that supports this sort of functionality.

Cloud Computing/Cloud Management

Operating Systems/Applications



Career/Soft Skills

And with that, I’ll wrap this up. As always, I love to hear from readers, so feel free to engage with me on Twitter or find me on any one of a number of different Slack communities. Have a great weekend!

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