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Revisiting X.509 Certificates in Kubeconfig Files

In 2018, I wrote an article on examining X.509 certificates embedded in Kubeconfig files. In that article, I showed one way of extracting client certificate data from a Kubeconfig file and looking at the properties of the client certificate data. While there’s nothing technically wrong with that article, since then I’ve found another tool that makes the process a tad easier. In this post, I’ll revisit the topic of examining embedded X.509v3 certificates in Kubeconfig files.

The tool that I’ve found is yq, which is an incredibly useful tool when it comes to parsing YAML (much in the same way that jq is an incredibly useful tool when it comes to parsing JSON). I should probably write some sort of introductory post on yq.

In any case, you can use yq to replace the grep plus awk combo outlined in my earlier article on examining certificate data in Kubeconfig files. Instead, to pull out only the client certificate data, just use this yq command (you did know that Kubeconfig files are YAML, right?):

yq '.users[0].user.client-certificate-data' < ~./kube/config

(Of course, this command assumes your Kubeconfig file is named config in the ~/.kube directory; adjust the command as necessary based on your specific environment.)

The .users[0] portion of the yq command refers to the first user in the list of users in the referenced Kubeconfig file. If there’s more than one and you’re interested in seeing client certificate data for a different user, you’ll need to adjust that index.

From there, you can decode the Base64-encoded content and then pipe it to OpenSSL, just as described in the other post, to get a look at the actual certificate encoded within the Kubeconfig file. Here’s the full command:

yq '.users[0].user.client-certificate-data' < ~/.kube/config | base64 -D | openssl x509 -text

(Note that this command is for macOS; I believe you’ll need to use a base64 -d on GNU/Linux systems.)

I hope this is helpful to someone. Feel free to reach out to me on Twitter if you have any questions or any feedback. You can also find me in a number of different Slack communities, and you’re welcome to contact me there as well.

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