Scott's Weblog The weblog of an IT pro focusing on cloud computing, Kubernetes, Linux, containers, and networking

Technology Short Take 149

Welcome to Technology Short Take #149! I’ll have one more Technology Short Take in 2021, scheduled for three weeks from now (on the last day of the year!). For now, though, I have a small collection of articles and links for your reading pleasure—not as many as I usually include in a Technology Short Take, but better than nothing at all (I hope!). Enjoy!



  • Dan Lorenc dives deep into Fulcio.
  • From the Not Surprised Department, some folks are starting to take a harder look at the timelines for security patches for older versions of macOS compared to newer versions. Ars Technica has a write-up on what’s been observed so far.
  • Rory McCune of Aqua shares some new security-related features in the Kubernetes 1.23 release.

Cloud Computing/Cloud Management

Operating Systems/Applications


That’s all for now. I hope you have a great weekend! If you have feedback for me, or if you just want to say hi, hit me on Twitter or find me on any of the various Slack communities I frequent (the Kubernetes Slack community is one great option). Thanks for reading!

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