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In Conversation: Service and security orchestration for network slicing at scale

20 Oct 2021
In Conversation: Service and security orchestration for network slicing at scale

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In Conversation: Service and security orchestration for network slicing at scale

In this video Mary O’Neill, Vice President, Business Applications Portfolio, Nokia joins Dean Ramsey, Principal Analyst, TM Forum to discuss:

  • What are the reasons for some many cyber attacks these days?

  • How would you describe security and in particular the role of CISO, SecOps teams to today?

  • How is the industry helping SecOps teams in processes and SW to tackle sophisticated cyberattacks?

  • What do CSPs need to protect new 5G services?

  • How can threats be contained fast by using what new modern SecOps tools/software?

  • Why do critical infrastructure companies need a modernization for 5G services?

  • What are the new evolutionary steps in security operations to tackle cyberattacks?

  • How can CSPs build offers to monetize SecaaS?