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What progress has been made in transforming telco DNA?

Take the survey that will feed into TM Forum’s sixth Digital Transformation Tracker survey (DTT6).

News Room
19 Apr 2022
What progress has been made in transforming telco DNA?

What progress has been made in transforming telco DNA?

Over the last two to three years, the term “telco to techco” has become part of our industry’s everyday language. But that does not mean the transformation it refers to is easy.

Becoming a techco requires a communications service provider (CSP) to undertake a major reskilling and upskilling program, as well as an overhaul of its culture, its organizational structure and its operational systems and processes.​

We’d like to hear your insights into ​how CSPs are progressing in acquiring new skills, adopting open, component-based and API-driven architectures and agile ways of working as part of a survey that will feed into TM Forum’s sixth Digital Transformation Tracker survey (DTT6).

The findings will be published in TM Forum’s DTT6 report in May 2022, which will explore the progress that is being made and where more action is needed.​

Please take this survey if you are a service provider – Survey for CSPs

Please take this survey if you are a vendor – Survey for technology providers