With Latest DCIM Update, FieldView Focuses on Integration

FieldView Solutions is announcing version 6.0 of its Data Center Infrastructure Management Suite today.The company is moving away from custom integration of individual applications to creating two different data links to hook in and share data.

Jason Verge

July 12, 2013

3 Min Read
With Latest DCIM Update, FieldView Focuses on Integration
New Jersey-based FieldView Solutions is a provider of real-time DCIM data center monitoring software. (Photo by Colleen Miller.)

FieldView Solutions is announcing version 6.0 of its Data Center Infrastructure Management Suite today. Fieldview says its latest update focuses on addressing a critical gap in DCIM solutions: sharing data that is gathered, stored and analyzed with other applications.

"FieldView 6.0 represents a wealth of customer feedback and the realization to conform our solution to better meet the needs of a global marketplace," said Tim Regovich, Chief Technology Officer, FieldView Solutions.  "We are proud to offer a data center tool that’s adaptable enough to integrate into any existing set of data center management tools while flexible enough to conform to individual requirements."

To address these gaps, FieldView is changing from providing a custom integration for individual applications to creating two different data links that streamline and share power, cooling, historical and other information critical to optimizing today’s data centers.  The data links are called DataView and LiveView.

DataView is a non-compressed cache of data for a wide variety of applications to access or publish historical and trending data for asset management and capacity planning needs. LiveView is a live temperature and power feed that offers the most recent measurement readings for an at-a-glance view of global data center operations.

DataView and LiveView enable FieldView to virtually interconnect with a bunch of applications. This  simplifies integration of historical and real-time data collected by FieldView into asset, systems and network management solutions, as well as financial applications, dynamic facilities control, IT power control, and other applications.

In addition to the new data sharing abilities, FieldView 6.0 also adds the following features, which will be delivered throughout Q3 and Q4 of 2013:

  • Extended Business Intelligence (BI) capabilities: BI functionality have been enhanced, including capacity planning of space, power and cooling.

  • Data Warehouse Excel Integration: Fully-customizable Excel features enable users to save any query or run any regression.

  • Enhanced Dashboards: With the use of configurable widgets, FieldView’s user dashboards can now be customized. Whether the end user wants to view PUE data or just alarms, this new feature provides only the information desired.

  • “What If” Planning Scenarios: Predictive analysis is critical to data center operations and FieldView 6.0 has enhanced functionality to help forecast space, power and cooling requirements vs. available capacity, and to simulate the impact of potential deployments.

  • Ticketing System Integration: Full integration with industry-leading ticketing systems enables integration with customers’ operational processes for resolving critical alerts. FieldView 6.0 generates alarms, and aggregates alarms generated by the systems it monitors.

  • Mobile: Leveraging HTML5, FieldView 6.0 information is now optimized for smart phones and tablet viewing and interaction.

  • Internationalization: FieldView will offer five languages: Chinese, Portuguese, Japanese, German, and Spanish as well as inherent capability of operating and capturing data in Metric or Imperial units.

  • Energy Optimization: Enhanced reports provide power, cooling and space trending information to identify servers with long-term power draws and other anomalies.

  • IT Asset Management Integration: Newly enhanced version now has a common format for importing and synchronizing data – making a simpler and deeper connection to asset management tools to automatically share information.

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