
Intent Signal Data 101

“B2B buyers spend just 15% of their time interacting with brands before making a purchase decision” (Gartner). That means B2B marketers miss out on 85% of a buyer’s journey! How can B2B marketers reach active buyers sooner in the sales cycle and influence their purchase decisions? Intent signal data can help. But there are many intent signal data options and many confusing terms used to describe them.

Modernizing Workloads with the Cloud: How to Improve Performance & Reduce Costs


By modernizing and shifting legacy workloads to the cloud, organizations are able to improve the performance and reliability of their applications while reducing infrastructure cost and management. In this eBook, learn best practices on planning a successful migration, monitoring containerized applications in Azure, and monitoring PaaS and serverless applications in Azure.

Aggregage Intent Signal Service

Aggregage Intent Signal Service allows you to reach more active buyers sooner! Get leads for specific in-market buyers. View companies and titles signaling intent. Influence active buyers earlier in their journey. Shorten sales cycles and close more deals. Download the Aggregage Intent Signal Service overview to learn more.

The Inner Circle Guide to Remote & Hybrid Contact Center Solutions

The new hybrid model emerging creates the opportunity to maximize the positives while reducing some of the negative attributes of remote working. 43% of survey respondents were using homeworking, with 5% running a pilot scheme or about to set one up. In 2020, driven by the need to react to the pandemic, these figures were 75% and 5% respectively. In 2021, these figures increased further, with 79% of respondents using remote working (which includes hybrid home-office working), and 4% trialing it.

The New Digital Landscape for Next-Gen CX

Co-branded Infographic with Nice: Your Guide to Next-Gen CX Connections. Download today to find stats on customers moving from first gen to next gen digital. See how to meet your customers where they're at with a digital-first strategy.

The 5 Stages of Account-Based Marketing — and How to Win Them All


The benefits of account-based marketing are clear: internal alignment, shorter sales cycles, higher conversion rates. But none of this is possible without the most important element of a successful ABM program: good data. Data is the fuel that powers your ABM engine. Without it, you can’t find and reach your target accounts. Running an ABM program on data you don’t trust means wasted time, resources, and lost revenue.

16 Go-to-Market Plays for Your Entire Sales Funnel


Nurturing leads through your sales funnel is a daunting task for many business development teams, especially at the scale required to achieve lofty growth goals. But personalized prospecting is possible at scale with the right resources in place. At ZoomInfo, we’ve found that a rock-solid go-to-market playbook is key. That’s why we’ve gathered some of the best go-to-market plays from our own B2B sales and marketing pros and packaged them here for you.

The Ultimate Guide to Executive Recruiting


It's no secret that hiring for a senior management position is a tough task for recruiters, and remaining open to changes and seeking better ways to source candidates is critical. That is why building a strong framework for executive hiring that maximizes efficiencies while minimizing cost and time to hire is important. In this eBook, learn: The Discovery Processes.

Prioritizing Customer Experience Using SLIs & SLOs: A Case Study from The Telegraph


Do you know what’s annoying? Getting constant alerts that something is broken with your product, despite there being nothing wrong. Alert fatigue is a real thing. There was a time when technology managers needed to actively monitor these kinds of granular metrics, but today, these alerts just create distracting noise. Service Level Indicators and Service Level Objectives are now the principal tools for focusing on what really matters.

12 Plays to Kickstart Your Recruitment Process


Good people are the foundation of any organization. That means placing the right people in the right roles can be the difference between your business growing or stagnating — and the competition is getting fierce. According to Harvard Business Review, the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated seismic shifts that were already rocking the talent market. With remote work making white-collar jobs more flexible and talent more mobile, a rebound in hiring meant the race for quality candidates had become even

The Power of Conversation Intelligence


Looking for tools to surface the voice of your customer? Has Conversation Intelligence (CI) been discussed in your organization, but you don’t know where to start? Generally curious about the CI space? This eBook will answer all your questions and more by providing a complete overview of Conversation Intelligence and its importance in Revenue organizations, delivering impact from your Sales Development Representatives all the way to the C-Suite.

12 Tips for Selling to the C-Suite


Members of the C-suite are the key decision-makers when it comes to making major investments in their organizations. That’s why every salesperson’s goal is to make their pitch directly to a senior executive—ideally, sooner rather than later. The question for sales pros is this: Are you ready for the challenge, and opportunity, of selling to the C-suite?

Detect and Respond to Threats Across Your Applications, Networks, and Infrastructure


As dynamic, cloud-native environments face increasingly sophisticated security threats, the boundaries between security, development, and operations teams are beginning to fade. Security teams need visibility into their applications, infrastructure, and network, while development and operations teams need the ability to secure the services they own.

Understanding Cadence Workflow for Developers and Architects

Explore the basics of Cadence and understand the benefits it can provide to your organization. This whitepaper will dive into a brief history of Cadence, how workflows can be put into practice, and how you can apply Cadence to your data infrastructure.

100 Pipeline Plays: The Modern Sales Playbook


Hit your number with 100 Pipeline Plays. For the first time, we’re sharing the winning plays that took us from scrappy startup to a publicly traded company. Use our proven data-driven plays to grow your pipeline and crush your revenue targets. Close more deals with these winning plays! Meet your modern sales playbook - See how high-performing sales and marketing teams increase pipeline year-over-year.

Optimize the Performance of Your Serverless Functions


In this new product brief from Datadog, you’ll learn how Datadog Serverless Monitoring enables you to visualize your services and their dependencies, gain actionable insights into how the performance of your serverless applications impacts your customers, and tips to monitor the health of your applications in a serverless environment. Download now!

Discover the 10 Rules for Managing PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL is one of the most successful open source projects in existence. But each year it becomes harder and harder to get familiarized with the PostgreSQL ecosystem and its new features. Learn 10 rules that will help you perfect your PostgreSQL installation. Download now!

Your Guide to Using Conversational Marketing to Drive Demand Generation


Conversations have always been at the heart of our most authentic relationships. Whether it’s a business deal or a personal connection, they are a driving force to solidify a foundation of trust. Enter conversational marketing — the new paradigm to tackling your business deals and converting prospects in minutes. Studies show the return on investment (ROI) of conversational marketing helps your marketing team drive revenue.